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Re: Merge multi-line descriptions in .opt files

On Sat, 20 Jul 2013, Göran Uddeborg wrote:

> While translating GCC (to Swedish), I've occasionally come across
> obviously truncated strings.  Often, it has been caused by multiple
> lines used for the description in .opt files.  I've tried to file
> reports about them.
> One such report I made in late 2007.  In 2011 I got the suggestion to
> send in patches instead.  See
> for details.  That
> I'll do, I thought.
> And promptly forgot about, apparently.
> But better late than never!  I've finally made myself a little script
> to discover those cases, and merged the descriptions into one line.  I
> attach the suggested diff here.

First, thanks!

But second, I think it'd be less brittle to actually support
multi-line .opt comments; terminated by an empty line, unless of
course there's an inherent .opt-language conflict.  (Hopefully
this'd be a shorter patch; though independent it'd make your
current patch redundant.)

brgds, H-P

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