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Re: [PATCH, generic] New RTL primitive: `define_subst'

On Sun, 4 Nov 2012, Kirill Yukhin wrote:
> Hi,
> >> But... I don't really understand it, so here's some feedback on
> >> the documentation: Regarding the language, a definite article is
> Patch with fixed doc is attached. Changelog is the same
> Is it OK?

The structure is much improved and quite satisfactory, thank
you!  I can actually understand it, even through a mild fever. :)

This feature looks quite nice: the example covers exactly where
I hope to use it: explicit condition-code settings i.e. to move
a target from the deprecated cc0 machinery without source
pattern explosion.  (Patterns generally need to be expressed in
three forms: clobbering cc0, setting cc0, and special cases for
insns with variants that don't touch cc0, so two "subst"s.)

Come to think of it, maybe "subst iterator" is somewhat a
misnomer; perhaps better use just "subst" in place of "subst
iterator" in the documentation.  Language issues with definite
article remain, but I'll leave further nitpicking until
maintainers with actual approval powers have reviewed the
feature and its implementation, from a higher level.

brgds, H-P

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