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Time To Look at This Momentum Play

Breaking News: Worldwide Market for Gold Might Hit to $221.5 Billion This Year. One company made sure to secure their claims for the richest gold find - holding over nine billions of the GOLD.

The lucky company is: SRG_L

Begin buying SRG_L on Monday, Oct 8, 2012 available now at .027

Traded as: SRG_L
Company: Source Gold Corp.
Current price: 0.027
10 Day Goal Value: 0.29

Tap into the Next Gold Rush. Worldwide demand for gold is expected to go above 4,400 tons in 2012 - sold at $221.5 billion - a gain of 16% over over last year. Early-in investors in SRG_L stock tip can surely convert ten grands into fifty... Invest SRG_L on on 10/8/2012, this Monday, call your broker or visit Etrade!

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