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Re: [RFA, patch] Add missing source location info to thunks


>> Try a target like arm-linux (which doesn't use final_end_function), and hack the generated auto-host.h so that HAVE_AS_DWARF2_DEBUG_LINE is undefined.
> Trying arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi now...

I just built an ARM compiler and tried it out on my testcase. It
generated this code for one of the thunks:

        .section        .text._ZThn8_N1CD1Ev,"ax",%progbits
        .align  2
        .global _ZThn8_N1CD1Ev
        .type   _ZThn8_N1CD1Ev, %function
        sub     r0, r0, #8
        b       .LTHUNK0
        .size   _ZThn8_N1CD1Ev, .-_ZThn8_N1CD1Ev

and further down, in the .debug_line section, this:

        .byte   0       @ set address *.LM21
        .uleb128 0x5
        .byte   0x2
        .4byte  .LM21
        .byte   0x2f    @ line 25

Same for the other thunk. I think that's all good.

Do you still have concerns about the patch?


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