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Re: [AARCH64] [PATCH 3/3] AArch64 Port

Richard Sandiford wrote:
Tejas Belagod <> writes:
Hi Richard,

Thanks for your comments. Some questions inline below.

Richard Sandiford wrote:
Marcus Shawcroft <> writes:
This patch adds an implementation of integer iterators.
Nice. A few comments from an onlooker (on top of what Stephen said).

+/* Since GCC does not construct a table of valid constants,
+   we have to accept any int as valid.  No cross-checking can
+   be done.  */
+static int
+find_int (const char *name)
+  char *endptr;
+  int ret;
+  if (ISDIGIT (*name))
+    {
+      ret = strtol (name, &endptr, 0);
+      gcc_assert (*endptr == '\0');
I think this should be an error rather than an assert.

+/* Stand-alone int iterator usage-checking function.  */
+static bool
+uses_int_iterator_p (rtx x, struct mapping *iterator, int opno)
+  int i;
+  for (i=0; i < num_int_iterator_data; i++)
+    if (int_iterator_data[i].iterator->group == iterator->group &&
+	int_iterator_data[i].iterator->index == iterator->index)
Formatting: && should be at the beginning of the second line.

+      {
+	/* Found an existing entry. Check if X is in its list.  */
+	struct int_iterator_mapping it = int_iterator_data[i];
+	int j;
+	for (j=0; j < it.num_rtx; j++)
+	{
+	  if (it.rtxs[j].x == x && it.rtxs[j].opno == opno)
+	    return true;
+	}
Formatting: redundant { ... }.

It might be easier to store a pointer to XEXP (x, opno) than storing
x and opno separately.

+ }
+ return false;
/* Map a code or mode attribute string P to the underlying string for
@@ -341,7 +414,9 @@
x = rtx_alloc (bellwether_code);
memcpy (x, original, RTX_CODE_SIZE (bellwether_code));
- /* Change the mode or code itself. */
+ /* Change the mode or code itself.
+ For int iterators, apply_iterator () does nothing. This is
+ because we want to apply int iterators to operands below. */
The way I imagined this working is that we'd just walk a list of
rtx * pointers for the current iterator and substitute the current
iterator value.  Then we'd take a deep copy of the rtx once all
iterators had been applied.  Checking every operand against the
substitution table seems a bit round-about.

I understand how this would work for mode and code iterators, but I'm a bit confused about how it would for int iterators.

Probably because of a typo, sorry. I meant "int *" in the above. At least, they'd be "int *" for int iterators and "rtx" for mode and code iterators.

Thanks for the clarification.

Don't we have to traverse each operand to figure out which ones to substitute for an int iterator value? Also, when you say take a deep copy after all the iterators have been applied, do you mean code, mode and int iterators or do you mean values of a particular iterator? As I understand the current implementation, mode and code iterators use placeholder integral constants that are replaced with actual iterator values during the rtx traverse. If we take a deep copy after the replacement, won't we lose these placeholder codes?

If you don't convert codes and modes (and leave it to me), then you'd probably need to apply all int interators first. I expect it'd be easier to convert modes and codes at the same time.

In the currect scheme, when multiple code/mode iterators are in an rtx pattern, they are expanded for each combination of iterator values in apply_iterator_traverse () and a repeated traversal of the expanded rtx's for each iterator achieves the 'cross-product' of rtx's for iterator value combinations. This allows for having the place-holder codes/modes in new rtx's that are shallow-copied and a subsequent traversal will eventually replace them with actual code/mode iterator values. Doing away with the placeholders means that we have to build a 'cross-product' of iterator values from a database of iterator values as used in a pattern and make an rtx copy(deep) corresponding to each element of the cross-product with the iterator value combinations substituted in. This is my understanding of the new implementation - am I on the right track?


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