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[Ada] Allocation of unconstrained limited type

This patch adds code to detect a particular form of expansion produced by the
build-in-place machinery for the allocation of a private limited indefinite
type where the full view lacks discriminants. The allocator appears as a
qualified expression containing a build-in-place call. The patch prevents the
generation of spurious error messages related to missing initialization during

-- Source --


package Types is
   type Simple_Rec is limited private;
   type Fake_Indefinite_Rec (<>) is limited private;
   type Indefinite_Rec (<>) is limited private;

   function Make return Simple_Rec;
   function Make return Fake_Indefinite_Rec;
   function Make return Indefinite_Rec;

   procedure Print_Data (Obj : Simple_Rec);
   procedure Print_Data (Obj : Fake_Indefinite_Rec);
   procedure Print_Data (Obj : Indefinite_Rec);

   type Simple_Rec is limited record
      Data : Integer;
   end record;
   type Fake_Indefinite_Rec is limited record
      Data : Integer;
   end record;
   type Indefinite_Rec (Discr : Integer) is limited record
      Data : Integer;
   end record;
end Types;

--  types.adb

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;

package body Types is
   function Make return Simple_Rec is
      return Result : Simple_Rec := Simple_Rec'(Data => 1);
   end Make;
   function Make return Fake_Indefinite_Rec is
      return Result : Fake_Indefinite_Rec := Fake_Indefinite_Rec'(Data => 2);
   end Make;
   function Make return Indefinite_Rec is
      return Result : Indefinite_Rec := Indefinite_Rec'(Discr => 3, Data => 4);
   end Make;

   procedure Print_Data (Obj : Simple_Rec) is
      Put_Line (Obj.Data'Img);
   end Print_Data;
   procedure Print_Data (Obj : Fake_Indefinite_Rec) is
      Put_Line (Obj.Data'Img);
   end Print_Data;
   procedure Print_Data (Obj : Indefinite_Rec) is
      Put_Line (Obj.Data'Img);
   end Print_Data;
end Types;

--  main.adb

with Types; use Types;

procedure Main is
   type Simple_Rec_Ptr is access all Simple_Rec;
   type Fake_Indefinite_Rec_Ptr is access all Fake_Indefinite_Rec;
   type Indefinite_Rec_Ptr is access all Indefinite_Rec;

   Obj1 : Simple_Rec_Ptr := new Simple_Rec'(Make);
   Obj2 : Fake_Indefinite_Rec_Ptr := new Fake_Indefinite_Rec'(Make);
   Obj3 : Indefinite_Rec_Ptr := new Indefinite_Rec'(Make);
   Print_Data (Obj1.all);
   Print_Data (Obj2.all);
   Print_Data (Obj3.all);
end Main;

-- Compilation and expected output --

$ gnatmake -q -gnat05 main.adb
$ ./main
$  1
$  2
$  4

Tested on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, committed on trunk

2012-03-19  Hristian Kirtchev  <>

	* sem_ch4.adb (Analyze_Allocator): Detect an allocator generated
	by the build-in-place machinery where the designated type is
	indefinite, but the underlying type is not. Do not emit errors
	related to missing initialization in this case.

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