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Re: [PATCH] Make vectorizer dumps more comparable


On Thu, 1 Sep 2011, Richard Sandiford wrote:

> Ira Rosen <> writes:
> >> How about, as Micha suggested, print the location of the loop
> >> we currently investigate from vectorize_loops () where we
> >> call find_loop_location () instead?
> >
> > The problem is that a dump of a single loop can be pretty long, and "start
> > to analyze loop..."/"finish to analyze loop..." may be not visible enough.
> > I am OK with adding these printings though (in addition to line numbers).
> >
> > I understand why you didn't like to see the file location, but what's the
> > problem with the line number?
> +1 FWIW.  I found these per-line locations really useful when doing
> the strided load/store stuff.

Really?  Because the dumper always prints the location of the loop (i.e. 
its first line), not the location of the individual statements.  Therefore 
anything searching for file:line number will match all lines connected 
with dealing with one loop, there's no differentiation between them.  And 
hence I also don't see Iras point.  Searching for file:line from 
file start before Richis changes would get you to the start where the loop 
is dealt with, and then not a bit further because all lines would be so 
prefixed.   Searching from file end would get you to the end of the loop 
processing (with the final decision), and also not further because of the 
same prefix everywhere.

So, no, I don't see how to prefix every line with the same prefix provides 
anything useful.  Can you show me how it was useful to you?  (Or you Ira?)

FWIW my proposal would have been to do this:
file:123 starting loop so-and-so
... unprefixed lines all dealing with this loop
file:123 finished loop so-and-so


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