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Re: [pph] Stream DECL_CHAIN only for VAR/FUNCTION_DECLs that are part of a RECORD_OR_UNION_TYPE (issue4672055)

On 11-07-12 16:43 , Gabriel Charette wrote:

Even if this doesn't break tests anymore, we probably still want this,
no point adding stuff to the pph image that is not needed...

Actually, the reverse is true. We want to write out the IL exactly as the original parser emitted it. There are things we decide not to write because they are better re-generated when the pph image is being read (e.g., function numbers, DECL_RTL), but

Any idea why lto doesn't call lto_output_chain, but simply
lto_output_tree to output the chains for struct/union?

LTO did not need those chains because once in the middle-end they are not used. We are working at the parser level, so we need them. Perhaps we won't need to write these chains, but first I'd like to understand why.

Since we are streaming the chains backwards without new breakage, let's leave it out for now.


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