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[Ada] Ada 2012 packages Ada.Wide_[Wide_]Characters.Handling

This patch implements AI-185 which defines two new Ada 2012
packages Ada.Wide_[Wide_]Characters.Handling. The Wide_Wide
package is available in Ada 2005 mode, and the Wide package
is available in Ada 95 mode. Both are of course available
in Ada 2012 mode.

The following two programs execute quietly with -gnata -gnat12

with Ada.Wide_Characters.Handling;
use Ada.Wide_Characters.Handling;
with Text_IO; use Text_IO;

procedure WchTest is
   subtype WC is Wide_Character;
   C : WC;

   procedure T (Test : String; Val : Boolean) is
      if not Val then
         Put_Line ("Test " & test & " failed");
      end if;
   end T;

   --  To_Upper/To_Lower

   T ("01", To_Upper (WC'Val (16#B5#)) = WC'Val (16#B5#));
   T ("02", To_Upper ('a') = 'A');
   T ("03", To_Upper (WC'Val (16#253#)) = WC'Val(16#253# - 210));
   T ("04", To_Upper ("Hello!") = "HELLO!");
   T ("05", To_Lower (WC'Val(16#B5#)) = WC'Val(16#B5#));
   T ("06", To_Lower (WC'Val(16#253# - 210)) = WC'Val(16#253#));
   T ("07", To_Lower ('A') = 'a');
   T ("08", To_Lower ("Hello Robert!") = "hello robert!");

   for J in Wide_Character loop
      C := To_Lower (J);
      T ("09", C = J or else To_Upper (C) = J);
      C := To_Upper (J);
      T ("10", C = J or else To_Lower (C) = J);
   end loop;

   T ("11", Is_Control (WC'Val (13)));
   T ("12", not Is_Control ('a'));

   T ("13", Is_Lower ('a'));
   T ("14", not Is_Lower ('A'));

   T ("15", Is_Upper ('A'));
   T ("16", not Is_Upper ('a'));

   T ("17", Is_Digit ('3'));
   T ("18", not Is_Digit ('a'));

   T ("17", Is_Digit ('3'));
   T ("18", not Is_Digit ('a'));

   T ("19", Is_Decimal_Digit ('3'));
   T ("20", not Is_Decimal_Digit ('a'));

   T ("21", Is_Hexadecimal_Digit ('3'));
   T ("22", Is_Hexadecimal_Digit ('a'));
   T ("23", not Is_Hexadecimal_Digit ('g'));

   T ("24", Is_Alphanumeric ('3'));
   T ("25", Is_Alphanumeric ('a'));
   T ("26", not Is_Alphanumeric ('!'));

   T ("27", Is_Special ('!'));
   T ("28", not Is_Special ('a'));

   T ("29", Is_Line_Terminator (WC'Val (13)));
   T ("30", not Is_Line_Terminator ('a'));

   T ("31", Is_Mark (WC'Val (16#35E#)));
   T ("32", not Is_Mark ('.'));

   T ("33", Is_Other (WC'Val (16#6DD#)));
   T ("34", not Is_Other ('''));

   T ("35", Is_Punctuation (WC'Val (16#2054#)));
   T ("36", not Is_Punctuation ('.'));

   T ("37", Is_Space (' '));
   T ("38", Is_Space (WC'Val (16#202F#)));
   T ("39", not Is_Space ('_'));

   T ("40", Is_Graphic (WC'Val (16#2027#)));
   T ("41", not Is_Graphic (WC'Val (16#2029#)));

end WchTest;

with Ada.Wide_Wide_Characters.Handling;
use Ada.Wide_Wide_Characters.Handling;
with Text_IO; use Text_IO;

procedure WWchTest is
   subtype WC is Wide_Wide_Character;
   C : WC;

   procedure T (Test : String; Val : Boolean) is
      if not Val then
         Put_Line ("Test " & test & " failed");
      end if;
   end T;

   --  To_Upper/To_Lower

   T ("01", To_Upper (WC'Val (16#B5#)) = WC'Val (16#B5#));
   T ("02", To_Upper ('a') = 'A');
   T ("03", To_Upper (WC'Val (16#253#)) = WC'Val(16#253# - 210));
   T ("04", To_Upper ("Hello!") = "HELLO!");
   T ("05", To_Lower (WC'Val(16#B5#)) = WC'Val(16#B5#));
   T ("06", To_Lower (WC'Val(16#253# - 210)) = WC'Val(16#253#));
   T ("07", To_Lower ('A') = 'a');
   T ("08", To_Lower ("Hello Robert!") = "hello robert!");

   for J in WC'Val (0) .. WC'Val (16#10_FFFF#) loop
      C := To_Lower (J);
      T ("09", C = J or else To_Upper (C) = J);
      C := To_Upper (J);
      T ("10", C = J or else To_Lower (C) = J);
   end loop;

   T ("11", Is_Control (WC'Val (13)));
   T ("12", not Is_Control ('a'));

   T ("13", Is_Lower ('a'));
   T ("14", not Is_Lower ('A'));

   T ("15", Is_Upper ('A'));
   T ("16", not Is_Upper ('a'));

   T ("17", Is_Digit ('3'));
   T ("18", not Is_Digit ('a'));

   T ("17", Is_Digit ('3'));
   T ("18", not Is_Digit ('a'));

   T ("19", Is_Decimal_Digit ('3'));
   T ("20", not Is_Decimal_Digit ('a'));

   T ("21", Is_Hexadecimal_Digit ('3'));
   T ("22", Is_Hexadecimal_Digit ('a'));
   T ("23", not Is_Hexadecimal_Digit ('g'));

   T ("24", Is_Alphanumeric ('3'));
   T ("25", Is_Alphanumeric ('a'));
   T ("26", not Is_Alphanumeric ('!'));

   T ("27", Is_Special ('!'));
   T ("28", not Is_Special ('a'));

   T ("29", Is_Line_Terminator (WC'Val (13)));
   T ("30", not Is_Line_Terminator ('a'));

   T ("31", Is_Mark (WC'Val (16#35E#)));
   T ("32", not Is_Mark ('.'));

   T ("33", Is_Other (WC'Val (16#6DD#)));
   T ("34", not Is_Other ('''));

   T ("35", Is_Punctuation (WC'Val (16#2054#)));
   T ("36", not Is_Punctuation ('.'));

   T ("37", Is_Space (' '));
   T ("38", Is_Space (WC'Val (16#202F#)));
   T ("39", not Is_Space ('_'));

   T ("40", Is_Graphic (WC'Val (16#2027#)));
   T ("41", not Is_Graphic (WC'Val (16#2029#)));

end WWchTest;

Tested on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, committed on trunk

2010-10-07  Robert Dewar  <>

	* a-wichha.adb,, a-zchhan.adb, New file.
	* impunit.adb: Add entries for a-wichha/a-zchhan
	* Makefile.rtl: Add entries for a-wichha/a-zchhan

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