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Re: [Patch Darwin 2/2] fix PPC64 ABI

Mike, David,

On 24 Jul 2010, at 10:45, Mike Stump wrote:
Also, as memory serves there is one more fix from last year that fixes the abi so that it is self consistent from last year. I think it fixes a failing struct abi testcase as I recall.

OK, I found it (the struct hack is needed after all, in fact).

FWIW, The fail of is misleading - I think that is a situation where the test-case needs some tweaking.

The darwin64-abi.c check from 4.2.1 (or LLVM) is the right thing to use...
... but I have no idea what license it is covered by and, therefore, whether we can import it... so for now I'm using it outside the gcc tree.


There will follow a part #3 (I can hack a fix... now I need to find the Right Way).

Part 3 will apply on top of parts 1 & 2 .. so those patches stand.


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