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Re: [patch] support for -fdump-ada-spec

On Fri, 7 May 2010, Arnaud Charlet wrote:

> > See what c_lex_with_flags does.
> I see. I've looked at c_lex_with_flags, and this subprogram uses the
> following routines mainly:
> for characters: lex_charconst, which uses cpp_interpret_charconst,
>                 this one can be reused
> for strings: lex_string
> for numbers: interpret_integer and interpret_float
> lex_string, interpret_integer and interpret_float are functions local
> to c-lex.c, so cannot be reused outside this file.
> Duplicating their work would defeat your suggestion, so are you
> suggesting that we make interpret_integer/interpret_float/lex_string
> global functions instead?

I'm not making a suggestion at the level of making particular functions 
global; rather, that there should be some function used in both c-lex.c 
and for this c-ada-spec.c code.  It's possible it might correspond to the 
entire CPP_NUMBER case, if that's more useful than exporting the 
individual interpret_integer and interpret_float functions used as part of 
that case, for example.

Joseph S. Myers

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