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[v3] Define <random> and <tr1/random> static const data members


tested x86_64-linux, committed to mainline.


2009-09-29  Paolo Carlini  <>

	* include/bits/random.tcc: Define static const data members.
	* include/tr1/random.tcc: Likewise.
	* testsuite/26_numerics/random/subtract_with_carry_engine/
	requirements/ New.
	* testsuite/26_numerics/random/mersenne_twister_engine/
	requirements/ Likewise.
	* testsuite/26_numerics/random/linear_congruential_engine/
	requirements/ Likewise.
	* testsuite/26_numerics/random/shuffle_order_engine/requirements/ Likewise.
	* testsuite/tr1/5_numerical_facilities/random/subtract_with_carry/
	requirements/ Likewise.
	* testsuite/tr1/5_numerical_facilities/random/
	subtract_with_carry_01/requirements/ Likewise.
	* testsuite/tr1/5_numerical_facilities/random/discard_block/
	requirements/ Likewise.
	* testsuite/tr1/5_numerical_facilities/random/linear_congruential/
	requirements/ Likewise.
	* testsuite/tr1/5_numerical_facilities/random/mersenne_twister/
	requirements/ Likewise.
	* testsuite/tr1/5_numerical_facilities/random/xor_combine/
	requirements/ Likewise.
Index: include/bits/random.tcc
--- include/bits/random.tcc	(revision 152315)
+++ include/bits/random.tcc	(working copy)
@@ -89,6 +89,23 @@
   } // namespace __detail
+  template<typename _UIntType, _UIntType __a, _UIntType __c, _UIntType __m>
+    const _UIntType
+    linear_congruential_engine<_UIntType, __a, __c, __m>::multiplier;
+  template<typename _UIntType, _UIntType __a, _UIntType __c, _UIntType __m>
+    const _UIntType
+    linear_congruential_engine<_UIntType, __a, __c, __m>::increment;
+  template<typename _UIntType, _UIntType __a, _UIntType __c, _UIntType __m>
+    const _UIntType
+    linear_congruential_engine<_UIntType, __a, __c, __m>::modulus;
+  template<typename _UIntType, _UIntType __a, _UIntType __c, _UIntType __m>
+    const _UIntType
+    linear_congruential_engine<_UIntType, __a, __c, __m>::default_seed;
    * Seeds the LCR with integral value @p __s, adjusted so that the
    * ring identity is never a member of the convergence set.
@@ -174,6 +191,133 @@
 	   _UIntType __a, size_t __u, _UIntType __d, size_t __s,
 	   _UIntType __b, size_t __t, _UIntType __c, size_t __l,
 	   _UIntType __f>
+    const size_t
+    mersenne_twister_engine<_UIntType, __w, __n, __m, __r, __a, __u, __d,
+			    __s, __b, __t, __c, __l, __f>::word_size;
+  template<typename _UIntType,
+	   size_t __w, size_t __n, size_t __m, size_t __r,
+	   _UIntType __a, size_t __u, _UIntType __d, size_t __s,
+	   _UIntType __b, size_t __t, _UIntType __c, size_t __l,
+	   _UIntType __f>
+    const size_t
+    mersenne_twister_engine<_UIntType, __w, __n, __m, __r, __a, __u, __d,
+			    __s, __b, __t, __c, __l, __f>::state_size;
+  template<typename _UIntType,
+	   size_t __w, size_t __n, size_t __m, size_t __r,
+	   _UIntType __a, size_t __u, _UIntType __d, size_t __s,
+	   _UIntType __b, size_t __t, _UIntType __c, size_t __l,
+	   _UIntType __f>
+    const size_t
+    mersenne_twister_engine<_UIntType, __w, __n, __m, __r, __a, __u, __d,
+			    __s, __b, __t, __c, __l, __f>::shift_size;
+  template<typename _UIntType,
+	   size_t __w, size_t __n, size_t __m, size_t __r,
+	   _UIntType __a, size_t __u, _UIntType __d, size_t __s,
+	   _UIntType __b, size_t __t, _UIntType __c, size_t __l,
+	   _UIntType __f>
+    const size_t
+    mersenne_twister_engine<_UIntType, __w, __n, __m, __r, __a, __u, __d,
+			    __s, __b, __t, __c, __l, __f>::mask_bits;
+  template<typename _UIntType,
+	   size_t __w, size_t __n, size_t __m, size_t __r,
+	   _UIntType __a, size_t __u, _UIntType __d, size_t __s,
+	   _UIntType __b, size_t __t, _UIntType __c, size_t __l,
+	   _UIntType __f>
+    const _UIntType
+    mersenne_twister_engine<_UIntType, __w, __n, __m, __r, __a, __u, __d,
+			    __s, __b, __t, __c, __l, __f>::xor_mask;
+  template<typename _UIntType,
+	   size_t __w, size_t __n, size_t __m, size_t __r,
+	   _UIntType __a, size_t __u, _UIntType __d, size_t __s,
+	   _UIntType __b, size_t __t, _UIntType __c, size_t __l,
+	   _UIntType __f>
+    const size_t
+    mersenne_twister_engine<_UIntType, __w, __n, __m, __r, __a, __u, __d,
+			    __s, __b, __t, __c, __l, __f>::tempering_u;
+  template<typename _UIntType,
+	   size_t __w, size_t __n, size_t __m, size_t __r,
+	   _UIntType __a, size_t __u, _UIntType __d, size_t __s,
+	   _UIntType __b, size_t __t, _UIntType __c, size_t __l,
+	   _UIntType __f>
+    const _UIntType
+    mersenne_twister_engine<_UIntType, __w, __n, __m, __r, __a, __u, __d,
+			    __s, __b, __t, __c, __l, __f>::tempering_d;
+  template<typename _UIntType,
+	   size_t __w, size_t __n, size_t __m, size_t __r,
+	   _UIntType __a, size_t __u, _UIntType __d, size_t __s,
+	   _UIntType __b, size_t __t, _UIntType __c, size_t __l,
+	   _UIntType __f>
+    const size_t
+    mersenne_twister_engine<_UIntType, __w, __n, __m, __r, __a, __u, __d,
+			    __s, __b, __t, __c, __l, __f>::tempering_s;
+  template<typename _UIntType,
+	   size_t __w, size_t __n, size_t __m, size_t __r,
+	   _UIntType __a, size_t __u, _UIntType __d, size_t __s,
+	   _UIntType __b, size_t __t, _UIntType __c, size_t __l,
+	   _UIntType __f>
+    const _UIntType
+    mersenne_twister_engine<_UIntType, __w, __n, __m, __r, __a, __u, __d,
+			    __s, __b, __t, __c, __l, __f>::tempering_b;
+  template<typename _UIntType,
+	   size_t __w, size_t __n, size_t __m, size_t __r,
+	   _UIntType __a, size_t __u, _UIntType __d, size_t __s,
+	   _UIntType __b, size_t __t, _UIntType __c, size_t __l,
+	   _UIntType __f>
+    const size_t
+    mersenne_twister_engine<_UIntType, __w, __n, __m, __r, __a, __u, __d,
+			    __s, __b, __t, __c, __l, __f>::tempering_t;
+  template<typename _UIntType,
+	   size_t __w, size_t __n, size_t __m, size_t __r,
+	   _UIntType __a, size_t __u, _UIntType __d, size_t __s,
+	   _UIntType __b, size_t __t, _UIntType __c, size_t __l,
+	   _UIntType __f>
+    const _UIntType
+    mersenne_twister_engine<_UIntType, __w, __n, __m, __r, __a, __u, __d,
+			    __s, __b, __t, __c, __l, __f>::tempering_c;
+  template<typename _UIntType,
+	   size_t __w, size_t __n, size_t __m, size_t __r,
+	   _UIntType __a, size_t __u, _UIntType __d, size_t __s,
+	   _UIntType __b, size_t __t, _UIntType __c, size_t __l,
+	   _UIntType __f>
+    const size_t
+    mersenne_twister_engine<_UIntType, __w, __n, __m, __r, __a, __u, __d,
+			    __s, __b, __t, __c, __l, __f>::tempering_l;
+  template<typename _UIntType,
+	   size_t __w, size_t __n, size_t __m, size_t __r,
+	   _UIntType __a, size_t __u, _UIntType __d, size_t __s,
+	   _UIntType __b, size_t __t, _UIntType __c, size_t __l,
+	   _UIntType __f>
+    const _UIntType
+    mersenne_twister_engine<_UIntType, __w, __n, __m, __r, __a, __u, __d,
+			    __s, __b, __t, __c, __l, __f>::
+                                              initialization_multiplier;
+  template<typename _UIntType,
+	   size_t __w, size_t __n, size_t __m, size_t __r,
+	   _UIntType __a, size_t __u, _UIntType __d, size_t __s,
+	   _UIntType __b, size_t __t, _UIntType __c, size_t __l,
+	   _UIntType __f>
+    const _UIntType
+    mersenne_twister_engine<_UIntType, __w, __n, __m, __r, __a, __u, __d,
+			    __s, __b, __t, __c, __l, __f>::default_seed;
+  template<typename _UIntType,
+	   size_t __w, size_t __n, size_t __m, size_t __r,
+	   _UIntType __a, size_t __u, _UIntType __d, size_t __s,
+	   _UIntType __b, size_t __t, _UIntType __c, size_t __l,
+	   _UIntType __f>
     mersenne_twister_engine<_UIntType, __w, __n, __m, __r, __a, __u, __d,
 			    __s, __b, __t, __c, __l, __f>::
@@ -341,6 +485,22 @@
   template<typename _UIntType, size_t __w, size_t __s, size_t __r>
+    const size_t
+    subtract_with_carry_engine<_UIntType, __w, __s, __r>::word_size;
+  template<typename _UIntType, size_t __w, size_t __s, size_t __r>
+    const size_t
+    subtract_with_carry_engine<_UIntType, __w, __s, __r>::short_lag;
+  template<typename _UIntType, size_t __w, size_t __s, size_t __r>
+    const size_t
+    subtract_with_carry_engine<_UIntType, __w, __s, __r>::long_lag;
+  template<typename _UIntType, size_t __w, size_t __s, size_t __r>
+    const _UIntType
+    subtract_with_carry_engine<_UIntType, __w, __s, __r>::default_seed;
+  template<typename _UIntType, size_t __w, size_t __s, size_t __r>
     subtract_with_carry_engine<_UIntType, __w, __s, __r>::
     seed(result_type __value)
@@ -475,6 +635,14 @@
   template<typename _RandomNumberEngine, size_t __p, size_t __r>
+    const size_t
+    discard_block_engine<_RandomNumberEngine, __p, __r>::block_size;
+  template<typename _RandomNumberEngine, size_t __p, size_t __r>
+    const size_t
+    discard_block_engine<_RandomNumberEngine, __p, __r>::used_block;
+  template<typename _RandomNumberEngine, size_t __p, size_t __r>
     typename discard_block_engine<_RandomNumberEngine,
 			   __p, __r>::result_type
     discard_block_engine<_RandomNumberEngine, __p, __r>::
@@ -577,6 +745,10 @@
   template<typename _RandomNumberEngine, size_t __k>
+    const size_t
+    shuffle_order_engine<_RandomNumberEngine, __k>::table_size;
+  template<typename _RandomNumberEngine, size_t __k>
     typename shuffle_order_engine<_RandomNumberEngine, __k>::result_type
     shuffle_order_engine<_RandomNumberEngine, __k>::
Index: include/tr1/random.tcc
--- include/tr1/random.tcc	(revision 152315)
+++ include/tr1/random.tcc	(working copy)
@@ -89,6 +89,19 @@
   } // namespace __detail
+  template<class _UIntType, _UIntType __a, _UIntType __c, _UIntType __m>
+    const _UIntType
+    linear_congruential<_UIntType, __a, __c, __m>::multiplier;
+  template<class _UIntType, _UIntType __a, _UIntType __c, _UIntType __m>
+    const _UIntType
+    linear_congruential<_UIntType, __a, __c, __m>::increment;
+  template<class _UIntType, _UIntType __a, _UIntType __c, _UIntType __m>
+    const _UIntType
+    linear_congruential<_UIntType, __a, __c, __m>::modulus;
    * Seeds the LCR with integral value @p __x0, adjusted so that the 
    * ring identity is never a member of the convergence set.
@@ -177,6 +190,83 @@
   template<class _UIntType, int __w, int __n, int __m, int __r,
 	   _UIntType __a, int __u, int __s,
 	   _UIntType __b, int __t, _UIntType __c, int __l>
+    const int
+    mersenne_twister<_UIntType, __w, __n, __m, __r, __a, __u, __s,
+		     __b, __t, __c, __l>::word_size;
+  template<class _UIntType, int __w, int __n, int __m, int __r,
+	   _UIntType __a, int __u, int __s,
+	   _UIntType __b, int __t, _UIntType __c, int __l>
+    const int
+    mersenne_twister<_UIntType, __w, __n, __m, __r, __a, __u, __s,
+		     __b, __t, __c, __l>::state_size;
+  template<class _UIntType, int __w, int __n, int __m, int __r,
+	   _UIntType __a, int __u, int __s,
+	   _UIntType __b, int __t, _UIntType __c, int __l>
+    const int
+    mersenne_twister<_UIntType, __w, __n, __m, __r, __a, __u, __s,
+		     __b, __t, __c, __l>::shift_size;
+  template<class _UIntType, int __w, int __n, int __m, int __r,
+	   _UIntType __a, int __u, int __s,
+	   _UIntType __b, int __t, _UIntType __c, int __l>
+    const int
+    mersenne_twister<_UIntType, __w, __n, __m, __r, __a, __u, __s,
+		     __b, __t, __c, __l>::mask_bits;
+  template<class _UIntType, int __w, int __n, int __m, int __r,
+	   _UIntType __a, int __u, int __s,
+	   _UIntType __b, int __t, _UIntType __c, int __l>
+    const _UIntType
+    mersenne_twister<_UIntType, __w, __n, __m, __r, __a, __u, __s,
+		     __b, __t, __c, __l>::parameter_a;
+  template<class _UIntType, int __w, int __n, int __m, int __r,
+	   _UIntType __a, int __u, int __s,
+	   _UIntType __b, int __t, _UIntType __c, int __l>
+    const int
+    mersenne_twister<_UIntType, __w, __n, __m, __r, __a, __u, __s,
+		     __b, __t, __c, __l>::output_u;
+  template<class _UIntType, int __w, int __n, int __m, int __r,
+	   _UIntType __a, int __u, int __s,
+	   _UIntType __b, int __t, _UIntType __c, int __l>
+    const int
+    mersenne_twister<_UIntType, __w, __n, __m, __r, __a, __u, __s,
+		     __b, __t, __c, __l>::output_s;
+  template<class _UIntType, int __w, int __n, int __m, int __r,
+	   _UIntType __a, int __u, int __s,
+	   _UIntType __b, int __t, _UIntType __c, int __l>
+    const _UIntType
+    mersenne_twister<_UIntType, __w, __n, __m, __r, __a, __u, __s,
+		     __b, __t, __c, __l>::output_b;
+  template<class _UIntType, int __w, int __n, int __m, int __r,
+	   _UIntType __a, int __u, int __s,
+	   _UIntType __b, int __t, _UIntType __c, int __l>
+    const int
+    mersenne_twister<_UIntType, __w, __n, __m, __r, __a, __u, __s,
+		     __b, __t, __c, __l>::output_t;
+  template<class _UIntType, int __w, int __n, int __m, int __r,
+	   _UIntType __a, int __u, int __s,
+	   _UIntType __b, int __t, _UIntType __c, int __l>
+    const _UIntType
+    mersenne_twister<_UIntType, __w, __n, __m, __r, __a, __u, __s,
+		     __b, __t, __c, __l>::output_c;
+  template<class _UIntType, int __w, int __n, int __m, int __r,
+	   _UIntType __a, int __u, int __s,
+	   _UIntType __b, int __t, _UIntType __c, int __l>
+    const int
+    mersenne_twister<_UIntType, __w, __n, __m, __r, __a, __u, __s,
+		     __b, __t, __c, __l>::output_l;
+  template<class _UIntType, int __w, int __n, int __m, int __r,
+	   _UIntType __a, int __u, int __s,
+	   _UIntType __b, int __t, _UIntType __c, int __l>
     mersenne_twister<_UIntType, __w, __n, __m, __r, __a, __u, __s,
 		     __b, __t, __c, __l>::
@@ -312,6 +402,18 @@
   template<typename _IntType, _IntType __m, int __s, int __r>
+    const _IntType
+    subtract_with_carry<_IntType, __m, __s, __r>::modulus;
+  template<typename _IntType, _IntType __m, int __s, int __r>
+    const int
+    subtract_with_carry<_IntType, __m, __s, __r>::long_lag;
+  template<typename _IntType, _IntType __m, int __s, int __r>
+    const int
+    subtract_with_carry<_IntType, __m, __s, __r>::short_lag;
+  template<typename _IntType, _IntType __m, int __s, int __r>
     subtract_with_carry<_IntType, __m, __s, __r>::
     seed(unsigned long __value)
@@ -432,6 +534,18 @@
   template<typename _RealType, int __w, int __s, int __r>
+    const int
+    subtract_with_carry_01<_RealType, __w, __s, __r>::word_size;
+  template<typename _RealType, int __w, int __s, int __r>
+    const int
+    subtract_with_carry_01<_RealType, __w, __s, __r>::long_lag;
+  template<typename _RealType, int __w, int __s, int __r>
+    const int
+    subtract_with_carry_01<_RealType, __w, __s, __r>::short_lag;
+  template<typename _RealType, int __w, int __s, int __r>
     subtract_with_carry_01<_RealType, __w, __s, __r>::
@@ -576,8 +690,15 @@
       return __is;
+  template<class _UniformRandomNumberGenerator, int __p, int __r>
+    const int
+    discard_block<_UniformRandomNumberGenerator, __p, __r>::block_size;
   template<class _UniformRandomNumberGenerator, int __p, int __r>
+    const int
+    discard_block<_UniformRandomNumberGenerator, __p, __r>::used_block;
+  template<class _UniformRandomNumberGenerator, int __p, int __r>
     typename discard_block<_UniformRandomNumberGenerator,
 			   __p, __r>::result_type
     discard_block<_UniformRandomNumberGenerator, __p, __r>::
@@ -641,6 +762,18 @@
   template<class _UniformRandomNumberGenerator1, int __s1,
 	   class _UniformRandomNumberGenerator2, int __s2>
+    const int
+    xor_combine<_UniformRandomNumberGenerator1, __s1,
+		_UniformRandomNumberGenerator2, __s2>::shift1;
+  template<class _UniformRandomNumberGenerator1, int __s1,
+	   class _UniformRandomNumberGenerator2, int __s2>
+    const int
+    xor_combine<_UniformRandomNumberGenerator1, __s1,
+		_UniformRandomNumberGenerator2, __s2>::shift2;
+  template<class _UniformRandomNumberGenerator1, int __s1,
+	   class _UniformRandomNumberGenerator2, int __s2>
     xor_combine<_UniformRandomNumberGenerator1, __s1,
 		_UniformRandomNumberGenerator2, __s2>::
Index: ChangeLog
--- ChangeLog	(revision 152315)
+++ ChangeLog	(working copy)
@@ -1,5 +1,30 @@
-2009-09-30  Ralf Wildenhues  <>
+2009-09-29  Paolo Carlini  <>
+	* include/bits/random.tcc: Define static const data members.
+	* include/tr1/random.tcc: Likewise.
+	* testsuite/26_numerics/random/subtract_with_carry_engine/
+	requirements/ New.
+	* testsuite/26_numerics/random/mersenne_twister_engine/
+	requirements/ Likewise.
+	* testsuite/26_numerics/random/linear_congruential_engine/
+	requirements/ Likewise.
+	* testsuite/26_numerics/random/shuffle_order_engine/requirements/
+ Likewise.
+	* testsuite/tr1/5_numerical_facilities/random/subtract_with_carry/
+	requirements/ Likewise.
+	* testsuite/tr1/5_numerical_facilities/random/
+	subtract_with_carry_01/requirements/ Likewise.
+	* testsuite/tr1/5_numerical_facilities/random/discard_block/
+	requirements/ Likewise.
+	* testsuite/tr1/5_numerical_facilities/random/linear_congruential/
+	requirements/ Likewise.
+	* testsuite/tr1/5_numerical_facilities/random/mersenne_twister/
+	requirements/ Likewise.
+	* testsuite/tr1/5_numerical_facilities/random/xor_combine/
+	requirements/ Likewise.
+2009-09-29  Ralf Wildenhues  <>
 	PR libstdc++/38923
 	* acinclude.m4 (GLIBCXX_CHECK_LINKER_FEATURES): Avoid 'head',
 	use sed script portable to Solaris /bin/sed for extracting ld
@@ -8,10 +33,10 @@
 2009-09-28  Benjamin Kosnik  <>
-	*  libsupc++/ Fixes for -fno-exceptions.
-	*  libsupc++/ Same.
-	*  libsupc++/ Same.
-	*  libsupc++/ Same.
+	* libsupc++/ Fixes for -fno-exceptions.
+	* libsupc++/ Same.
+	* libsupc++/ Same.
+	* libsupc++/ Same.
 2009-09-28  Johannes Singler  <>
Index: testsuite/26_numerics/random/subtract_with_carry_engine/requirements/
--- testsuite/26_numerics/random/subtract_with_carry_engine/requirements/	(revision 0)
+++ testsuite/26_numerics/random/subtract_with_carry_engine/requirements/	(revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+// { dg-do link }
+// { dg-options "-std=c++0x" }
+// { dg-require-cstdint "" }
+// 2009-09-29  Paolo Carlini <>
+// Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+// This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library.  This library is free
+// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+// terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+// Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+// any later version.
+// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+// with this library; see the file COPYING3.  If not see
+// <>.
+#include <random>
+void test01()
+  std::ranlux24_base swc;
+  const void* p = &swc.word_size;
+  p = &swc.short_lag;
+  p = &swc.long_lag;
+  p = &swc.default_seed;
+int main()
+  test01();
+  return 0;
Index: testsuite/26_numerics/random/mersenne_twister_engine/requirements/
--- testsuite/26_numerics/random/mersenne_twister_engine/requirements/	(revision 0)
+++ testsuite/26_numerics/random/mersenne_twister_engine/requirements/	(revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+// { dg-do link }
+// { dg-options "-std=c++0x" }
+// { dg-require-cstdint "" }
+// 2009-09-29  Paolo Carlini <>
+// Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+// This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library.  This library is free
+// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+// terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+// Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+// any later version.
+// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+// with this library; see the file COPYING3.  If not see
+// <>.
+#include <random>
+void test01()
+  std::mt19937 mt;
+  const void* p = &mt.word_size;
+  p = &mt.state_size;
+  p = &mt.shift_size;
+  p = &mt.mask_bits;
+  p = &mt.xor_mask;
+  p = &mt.tempering_u;
+  p = &mt.tempering_d;
+  p = &mt.tempering_s;
+  p = &mt.tempering_b;
+  p = &mt.tempering_t;
+  p = &mt.tempering_c;
+  p = &mt.tempering_l;
+  p = &mt.initialization_multiplier;
+  p = &mt.default_seed;
+int main()
+  test01();
+  return 0;
Index: testsuite/26_numerics/random/linear_congruential_engine/requirements/
--- testsuite/26_numerics/random/linear_congruential_engine/requirements/	(revision 0)
+++ testsuite/26_numerics/random/linear_congruential_engine/requirements/	(revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+// { dg-do link }
+// { dg-options "-std=c++0x" }
+// { dg-require-cstdint "" }
+// 2009-09-29  Paolo Carlini <>
+// Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+// This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library.  This library is free
+// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+// terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+// Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+// any later version.
+// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+// with this library; see the file COPYING3.  If not see
+// <>.
+#include <random>
+void test01()
+  std::minstd_rand0 lc;
+  const void* p = &lc.multiplier;
+  p = &lc.increment;
+  p = &lc.modulus;
+  p = &lc.default_seed;
+int main()
+  test01();
+  return 0;
Index: testsuite/26_numerics/random/shuffle_order_engine/requirements/
--- testsuite/26_numerics/random/shuffle_order_engine/requirements/	(revision 0)
+++ testsuite/26_numerics/random/shuffle_order_engine/requirements/	(revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+// { dg-do link }
+// { dg-options "-std=c++0x" }
+// { dg-require-cstdint "" }
+// 2009-09-29  Paolo Carlini <>
+// Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+// This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library.  This library is free
+// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+// terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+// Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+// any later version.
+// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+// with this library; see the file COPYING3.  If not see
+// <>.
+#include <random>
+void test01()
+  std::knuth_b so;
+  const void* p = &so.table_size;
+  p = &so.table_size;
+int main()
+  test01();
+  return 0;
Index: testsuite/tr1/5_numerical_facilities/random/subtract_with_carry_01/requirements/
--- testsuite/tr1/5_numerical_facilities/random/subtract_with_carry_01/requirements/	(revision 0)
+++ testsuite/tr1/5_numerical_facilities/random/subtract_with_carry_01/requirements/	(revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+// { dg-do link }
+// 2009-09-29  Paolo Carlini <>
+// Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+// This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library.  This library is free
+// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+// terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+// Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+// any later version.
+// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+// with this library; see the file COPYING3.  If not see
+// <>.
+#include <tr1/random>
+void test01()
+  std::tr1::ranlux_base_01 swc_01;
+  const void* p = &swc_01.word_size;
+  p = &swc_01.long_lag;
+  p = &swc_01.short_lag;
+int main()
+  test01();
+  return 0;
Index: testsuite/tr1/5_numerical_facilities/random/subtract_with_carry/requirements/
--- testsuite/tr1/5_numerical_facilities/random/subtract_with_carry/requirements/	(revision 0)
+++ testsuite/tr1/5_numerical_facilities/random/subtract_with_carry/requirements/	(revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+// { dg-do link }
+// 2009-09-29  Paolo Carlini <>
+// Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+// This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library.  This library is free
+// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+// terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+// Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+// any later version.
+// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+// with this library; see the file COPYING3.  If not see
+// <>.
+#include <tr1/random>
+void test01()
+  std::tr1::subtract_with_carry<unsigned long, (1UL << 24), 10, 24> swc;
+  const void* p = &swc.modulus;
+  p = &swc.long_lag;
+  p = &swc.short_lag;
+int main()
+  test01();
+  return 0;
Index: testsuite/tr1/5_numerical_facilities/random/discard_block/requirements/
--- testsuite/tr1/5_numerical_facilities/random/discard_block/requirements/	(revision 0)
+++ testsuite/tr1/5_numerical_facilities/random/discard_block/requirements/	(revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+// { dg-do link }
+// 2009-09-29  Paolo Carlini <>
+// Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+// This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library.  This library is free
+// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+// terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+// Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+// any later version.
+// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+// with this library; see the file COPYING3.  If not see
+// <>.
+#include <tr1/random>
+void test01()
+  std::tr1::ranlux3 db;
+  const void* p = &db.block_size;
+  p = &db.used_block;
+int main()
+  test01();
+  return 0;
Index: testsuite/tr1/5_numerical_facilities/random/linear_congruential/requirements/
--- testsuite/tr1/5_numerical_facilities/random/linear_congruential/requirements/	(revision 0)
+++ testsuite/tr1/5_numerical_facilities/random/linear_congruential/requirements/	(revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+// { dg-do link }
+// 2009-09-29  Paolo Carlini <>
+// Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+// This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library.  This library is free
+// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+// terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+// Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+// any later version.
+// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+// with this library; see the file COPYING3.  If not see
+// <>.
+#include <tr1/random>
+void test01()
+  std::tr1::minstd_rand0 lc;
+  const void* p = &lc.multiplier;
+  p = &lc.increment;
+  p = &lc.modulus;
+int main()
+  test01();
+  return 0;
Index: testsuite/tr1/5_numerical_facilities/random/mersenne_twister/requirements/
--- testsuite/tr1/5_numerical_facilities/random/mersenne_twister/requirements/	(revision 0)
+++ testsuite/tr1/5_numerical_facilities/random/mersenne_twister/requirements/	(revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+// { dg-do link }
+// 2009-09-29  Paolo Carlini <>
+// Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+// This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library.  This library is free
+// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+// terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+// Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+// any later version.
+// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+// with this library; see the file COPYING3.  If not see
+// <>.
+#include <tr1/random>
+void test01()
+  std::tr1::mt19937 mt;
+  const void* p = &mt.word_size;
+  p = &mt.state_size;
+  p = &mt.shift_size;
+  p = &mt.mask_bits;
+  p = &mt.parameter_a;
+  p = &mt.output_u;
+  p = &mt.output_s;
+  p = &mt.output_b;
+  p = &mt.output_t;
+  p = &mt.output_c;
+  p = &mt.output_l;
+int main()
+  test01();
+  return 0;
Index: testsuite/tr1/5_numerical_facilities/random/xor_combine/requirements/
--- testsuite/tr1/5_numerical_facilities/random/xor_combine/requirements/	(revision 0)
+++ testsuite/tr1/5_numerical_facilities/random/xor_combine/requirements/	(revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+// { dg-do link }
+// 2009-09-29  Paolo Carlini <>
+// Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+// This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library.  This library is free
+// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+// terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+// Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+// any later version.
+// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+// with this library; see the file COPYING3.  If not see
+// <>.
+#include <tr1/random>
+void test01()
+  std::tr1::xor_combine<std::tr1::minstd_rand, 1, std::tr1::mt19937, 2>
+    xor_c;
+  const void* p = &xor_c.shift1;
+  p = &xor_c.shift2;
+int main()
+  test01();
+  return 0;

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