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RFA: Robustify current_function_name()

Hi Guys,

  I would like to apply the small patch below to prevent
  current_function_name from generating a seg-fault if there is no
  current function.  I ran into this behaviour whilst using GDB to
  debug a problem and naively invoking current_function_name when
  actually no function was being compiled.

  Tested without regressions on an i686-pc-linux-gnu bootstrap.

  OK to apply ?


2009-09-28  Nick Clifton  <>

	* function.c (current_function_name): If there is no current
          function just return "<none>".

Index: gcc/function.c
--- gcc/function.c	(revision 152230)
+++ gcc/function.c	(working copy)
@@ -5415,6 +5415,8 @@
 const char *
 current_function_name (void)
+  if (cfun == NULL)
+    return "<none>";
   return lang_hooks.decl_printable_name (cfun->decl, 2);

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