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Re: [PATCH] include _mingw.h in stddef.h
2009/9/17 Paolo Bonzini <>:
> On 09/17/2009 03:22 PM, Ozkan Sezer wrote:
>> On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 4:19 PM, Joseph S. Myers
>> <> ?wrote:
>>> On Thu, 17 Sep 2009, Ozkan Sezer wrote:
>>>> Without the following patch, the above example shall not compile for
>>>> mingw* because certain types such as __int64 in the above example
>>>> (and some definitions) which are provided by the M$ compiler, are not
>>>> available via including gcc-provided stddef.h. ?They are, however,
>>> Provided by the MS compiler as built-in types (so available without *any*
>>> headers being included) or provided by its stddef.h header?
>> As built-in types, yes. ?Not via a stddef.h header.
> Then, "__int64 x;" ought to work too, even without the #include. ?You would
> want to include _mingw.h automatically on mingw targets; I don't know if
> this makes sense, I'll let people more knowledgeable about mingw answer.
> Paolo
Well, the issue about type __int64 (__int32, __int128 (for x64), etc)
is that it can be combined with 'signed'/'unsigned'. So the macro
implementation is at the moment the best way to solve this.
So a classical builtin type won't work here AFAIK.
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