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Re: Add support for the Win32 hook prologue (try 3)

Am Friday 11 September 2009 15:58:09 schrieb Pedro Alves:

> ... and the "/FUNCTIONPADMIN[:space]" linker switch:
> <>
> "space (optional)
> Too bad this isn't being implemented fully, as it might turn out
> generaly useful, and, I would guess that you may find out later
> at some point some app that also checks if the slack nops are
> there in addition to the prologue sequence with extra 2-byte nop.
I talked to Alexandre, and he prefers the function attrib that generates the 
full 5 byte mov-push-mov sequence since it is more reliable.

However, he also wants the ms_hook_prologue to generate the 5 NOPs before the 
function, so an app can place a jump there in the way MSFT's hotpatches do, 
so I'll look into that. I just wanted to ask, does gcc have any existing 
infrastructure for that? Can this be done in gcc alone, or does this involve 
changing the linker?

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