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[mep] add an operand pattern


	* config/mep/mep.c (conversions[]): Add "ml" pattern.

Index: config/mep/mep.c
--- config/mep/mep.c	(revision 151542)
+++ config/mep/mep.c	(working copy)
@@ -3294,12 +3294,13 @@ static struct
 const conversions[] =
   { 0, "r", "0" },
   { 0, "m+ri", "3(2)" },
   { 0, "mr", "(1)" },
   { 0, "ms", "(1)" },
+  { 0, "ml", "(1)" },
   { 0, "mLrs", "%lo(3)(2)" },
   { 0, "mLr+si", "%lo(4+5)(2)" },
   { 0, "m+ru2s", "%tpoff(5)(2)" },
   { 0, "m+ru3s", "%sdaoff(5)(2)" },
   { 0, "m+r+u2si", "%tpoff(6+7)(2)" },
   { 0, "m+ru2+si", "%tpoff(6+7)(2)" },

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