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Re: [patch]: Add check for stdint header

2009/9/3 Richard Guenther <>:
> On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 12:18 AM, Kai Tietz<> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> this patch adds to gcc's system.h file the include of stdint.h file,
>> if present. If it doesn't finds this header it defines uintptr_t as
>> 'unsigned long' and intptr_t as 'long'.
> The toplevel already has support for creating a stdint comaptible header,
> you should probably simply use that. ?See config/stdint*.m4.
> Richard.

Well, we could extend this, but autoconf 2.64 supports the
AC_TYPE_UINTPTR_T and AC_TYPE_INTPTR_T, and defines the types
uintptr_t & intptr_t (as macros) for hosts without stdint.h fine.

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