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[Ada] more straight-line code for more arrays

Slight improvement over

The point of which was to prevent the generation of a useless test for
allocators of Ada arrays that cannot possibly be empty ("superflat" in
gigi parlance), as in

   type Arr is array (Positive range <>) of Integer;
   type Arr_Acc is access Arr;

   subtype My_Range is Integer range 1 .. 25;

   function Get_Arr (Nbr : My_Range) return Arr_Acc is
      return new Arr (1 .. Nbr);

This patch extends the recognition to cases where the array index
has a true range type like

       type My_Range is range 1 .. 25;
       type Arr is array (My_Range range <>) of Integer;

Tested on x86_64-suse-linux.

2009-09-02  Olivier Hainque  <>

	* gcc-interface/decl.c (cannot_be_superflat_p): Handle
	Signed_Integer_Type_Definition Scalar_Ranges.

	* gnat.dg/[bs]: Add check for Signed_Integer_Type_Definition.

Attachment: superflat-range.dif
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