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Re: [scev] Improve the instantiation pass for graphite

Hi Sebastian

On Tue, 2009-09-01 at 18:08 -0500, Sebastian Pop wrote:
> Hi,
> I will need the attached set of patches to be able to remove the limit_scop
> function in graphite.  The patch set cleans up the instantiation pass, and
> allows the instantiation of variables without calling the scev analysis.

Great to see you work on this. I also gave it a try yesterday and there
are still some bugs in graphite code generation hidden by limit_scops.

> The canonical example is like this: suppose we want to instantiate everything
> below bb2 but without going to bb1:
> bb1:
>   i = phi (0, i + 1)
> bb2:  (this is the scop entry for example)
>   j = i + 3
> bb3:
>   use (j)

So what whould j and i be instantiated in bb_2? i seems to be a
parameter and therefore j is just (i + 3)?

An interesting case for me seems something like this:

  i_1 = phi (0, i_0)
  goto bb_2

  i_0 = i_1 + 1
  goto bb_3

  A[i_0] = A[i_1]
  if (i_1 < 100)
    goto bb_1

Let's assume we start from bb_2 and want to instantiate up to and
including bb_1. As bb_3 is not included we do not get the whole loop, so
defining 'i_1' in function of the loop iteration like i_1 = {0, +, 1}_1
seems to be wrong.
However if we include bb_3 it is perfectly OK to use the definition 
i_1 = {0, +, 1}_1 for 'i_1', as 'i_1' no longer is a parameter.

So for me just defining the upper bound seems to be not sufficient. We
also need to know if we have to follow the loop backwards edge or not.

> Starting the instantiation of j from bb3, we end on bb2 that is still
> in the scop,
> but we do not want to go to bb1 and instantiate i with its scalar evolution.
> I committed these patches to the graphite branch to be tested.

It seems the bootstrap failed.


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