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Re: RFA: Revamp fortran array types

Steve Kargl wrote:

On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 06:43:13PM +0200, Toon Moene wrote:

The following code is perfectly OK:

      DIMENSION A(10)
      A = 10.0
      CALL SUB(A,A)
      REAL, INTENT(IN) :: A(:), B(:)

What happens if you replace the last line with

       REAL, INTENT(IN)  :: A(:)
       REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: B(:)

Fascinating. I *think* that - as long as you do not actually write to B - you're in the clear.

Of course, INTENT(OUT) :: B(:) also means you cannot read from B unless you set it before, so this basically amounts to an "unused" dummy argument. I wonder what -fwhole-file does with such an example ...

Paul ?

Toon Moene - e-mail: - phone: +31 346 214290
Saturnushof 14, 3738 XG  Maartensdijk, The Netherlands
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