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Re: [PATCH] Add format-security warning for scanf conversions with unspecified width

Joseph S. Myers wrote:

> Unlike with string conversions, this is not a security bug in the program 
> for numeric conversions but a quality-of-implementation problem in glibc.  
> Programs should avoid arbitrary limits where possible, which means not 
> using widths for these formats, and either looping and increasing memory 
> allocations or using glibc 'a' / TR 24731-2 and POSIX 'm' flags to make 
> scanf allocate memory automatically, only using widths for string 
> conversions if necessary or if the file format being read has a defined 
> limit.

But in this case, it is not memory being allocated by the program (or
even managed by the program) at all, it's internal working storage in
scanf() itself.

> It is clear that the amount of storage needed for a numeric format should 
> be bounded, although correct rounding for floating-point formats may 
> require thousands of digits to be stored in some cases (but beyond a 
> certain point it will only ever be necessary to know if some subsequent 
> digit is nonzero).  glibc should be improved to bound the storage used; 
> for integer formats this shouldn't even be that hard.

Agreed; we'll try to address this with the glibc team. Thanks.

Kevin P. Fleming
Digium, Inc. | Director of Software Technologies
445 Jan Davis Drive NW - Huntsville, AL 35806 - USA
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