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Re: C++ PATCH to use hash tables for template specialization lookup

> Sounds good, thanks.
For now, I'm collecting some data for the attached. When N grows (I
tried up to ~1000) the difference between patched / unpatched is
impressive, like O(N) vs O(N^2). Some numbers later...


#if defined(__MWERKS__)
#   pragma template_depth(2000)

#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#   pragma warning(disable: 4307)

#if defined(__ICL)
#   pragma warning(disable: 68)

#if !defined(N)
#   error "N is not defined!"

typedef unsigned long ulong;

// re-arranged recursive branches
template< int i, int test > struct fibonacci
#ifndef DIFF
    enum { v = ulong(fibonacci<i-2,test>::value) };
    enum { value = ulong(v) + ulong(fibonacci<i-1,test>::value) };
    enum { value = ulong(fibonacci<i-1,test>::value) };

template< int test > struct fibonacci<0,test>
    enum { value = 0 };

template< int test > struct fibonacci<1,test>
    enum { value = 1 };

template< int n > struct test
    : fibonacci<N,n>

int main()
        + ulong(test<1>::value)
        + ulong(test<2>::value)
        + ulong(test<3>::value)
        + ulong(test<4>::value)
        + ulong(test<5>::value)
        + ulong(test<6>::value)
        + ulong(test<7>::value)
        + ulong(test<8>::value)
        + ulong(test<9>::value)

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