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Re: Add Android related compilation options and multilib options

Chris Lattner wrote:

> It's worth pointing out that LLVM does a bit of canonicalization of
> target triples internally to collapse actually identical triples into a
> canonical form (e.g. i[3456]x86-* -> i386-*).  

  It's worth pointing out that GCC generates very different code when
configured for i386-foo-bar as compared to when you configure it for
i686-foo-bar; those cpu types are not canonically the same, despite all
indicating the same backend.

> It sounds like there are many possible areas for improvement.  In any
> case, I will butt out and let you guys figure out how to solve this
> issue with Android.  I am very happy to admit that I have no idea how
> your toolchain should work.

  I would just like to add that throughout this thread I have been unable to
read the word "-mandroid" without falling off my chair laughing.  I think
that's a good reason for making it a command-line option :)


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