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Re: [lto] PATCH: add LTRANS driver

Sorry, I did not read the first e-mail carefully.  I made some changes
to collec2.c and gcc.c.  Please add to your patch.


2008/9/23 Ollie Wild <>:
> On Tue, Sep 23, 2008 at 5:11 PM, Doug Kwan (Ãö®¶¼w) <> wrote:
>> Shouldn't we also save the names of ltrans output files so that
>> collect2 can replace the original files passed to the linker?
> On Tue, Sep 23, 2008 at 12:35 PM, Ollie Wild <> wrote:
>> Some caveats:
>> 2) This patch doesn't add an option for outputting the list of
>> generated files.  This is needed by the linker driver, and I will
>> submit it as a separate patch.
> I'll send out an update plus new patch for the output file names shortly.
> Ollie

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