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Re: make grokfield handle locations

2008/8/19 Aldy Hernandez <>:
>> I think extending the dg-warning etc. syntax to allow column numbers is
>> fine - but you need to discuss it with upstream, including how to test for
>> ranges of line and column numbers; it should be able to match for any of
>> the GCS formats for file, line and column ranges, so your test can say
>> "the diagnostic should give a range from file A, line B, column C to file
>> D, line E, column F".  But requiring future DejaGnu versions in GCC is for
>> the far future - so for now I still recommend your patches modify existing
>> tests to put tokens on their own lines, or add new tests like that, or
>> include the column numbers in the warning text to be matched.
> Crap.  I see what you and Manuel mean.  I was confusing
> testsuite/lib/gcc-dg.exp with dejagnu's dg.exp.  I thought I could just
> change gcc's .exp files to add support for this machinery.  Requiring
> newever versions of dejagnu for the testsuite doesn't seem like such a
> hot idea.

I disagree here. We massively override and work-around DejaGNU since a
long time ago. No ideal but I think we could almost carry our own copy
of DejaGNU. We will certainly be able to simplify things and reduce
duplication of code:

976K    /usr/share/dejagnu
892K    /home/manuel/src/trunk/gcc/testsuite/lib/

There doesn't seem so much upstream activity. If we wait for upstream,
we are just saying that we will wait forever. The C testsuite would
still be unable to distinguish between warning/error/notes/random



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