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Re: [PATCH] Do not recompute_tree_invariant_for_addr_expr

On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 11:16:39PM +0100, Richard Guenther wrote:
> As we switched is_gimple_min_invariant to re-check its property at
> every call we no longer need to keep the cache (TREE_INVARIANT)
> up-to-date.

You are not touching just TREE_INVARIANT, but also TREE_CONSTANT.
Are you sure it is ok to keep an ADDR_EXPR TREE_CONSTANT when it is no
longer constant?
E.g. omp-low.c can change TREE_CONSTANT ADDR_EXPRs (e.g. &global_var)
into non-constant ADDR_EXPRs (&.omp_data_i->global_var).


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