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Re: [PATCH] middle-end: convert builtin finite -> MINUS/ORD

On Tue, 12 Jun 2007, Jakub Jelinek wrote:

> AFAIK isfinite/isinf/isnan/isnormal/fpclassify/signbit aren't supposed
> to raise exceptions even for signalling NaNs.
> 	Jakub

In libgcc2.c, we have:

/* All of these would be present in a full C99 implementation of <math.h>
   and <complex.h>.  Our problem is that only a few systems have such full
   implementations.  Further, isn't currently linked against, and even for systems that do provide full C99, the extra overhead
   of all programs using libgcc having to link against libm.  So avoid it.

#define isnan(x)        __builtin_expect ((x) != (x), 0)
#define isfinite(x)     __builtin_expect (!isnan((x) - (x)), 1)
#define isinf(x)        __builtin_expect (!isnan(x) & !isfinite(x), 0)

So won't these raise exceptions as well?

BTW, the comment about not being linked against seems
to be out of date.

Kaveh R. Ghazi

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