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Re: [testsuite gfortran] partial fix for secnds*.f

Dominique Dhumieres wrote:

> I have also seen another glitch I have to investigate, so wait for my next 
> midnight!

Since libgfortran uses the system localtime() function to get the local
time-of-day, if you're running on a Posixish system you can set a process's
local UTC offset using the TZ environment variable.  This should let you
designate any arbitrary time as "midnight".

$ date
Tue May 15 11:00:36 EDT 2007
$ TZ=CUSTOM-8:59:20 date
Tue May 15 23:59:59 CUSTOM 2007
$ TZ=CUSTOM-8:59:20 date
Wed May 16 00:00:03 CUSTOM 2007

The 'tzset' man page documents the format of the TZ variable.

Hopefully this will speed up your debugging!

Jonathan Lennox
lennox at cs dot columbia dot edu

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