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Re: [PATCH]: Expand finite() as inline i386 asm

On Jan 31, 2007, at 19:58, Richard Henderson wrote:

Second, as I mentioned in the notes for PR 30652, I suspect
that using non-trapping comparisons will result in better
code than all these bit manipulations.  I.e.

isfinite(d) => islessequal(fabs(d), DBL_MAX)

The 'Valid attribute in Ada (see s-fatgen.adb, function Valid) does essentially the same in a target-independent way. Also, by keeping the entire operation in the integer domain, it avoids trapping on some architectures (e.g. MIPS).

It generates the following code for x86 (single):
        movl    4(%esp), %eax
        andl    $2139095040, %eax
        cmpl    $2139095040, %eax
        setne   %al

for x86 double:
        subl    $28, %esp
        movl    36(%esp), %eax
        andl    $2146435072, %eax
        shrl    $20, %eax
        cmpl    $2047, %eax
        setne   %al
        addl    $28, %esp

(Of course the extra stack adjustments should have been optimized away)

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