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Re: [patch] tuning gcc for AMDFAM10 processor (patch 1)

"Jagasia, Harsha" <> writes:

> This is the 1st of 11 patches to tune gcc for AMD's AMDFAM10 processor
> (based on mainline rev 121295). This patch defines march=amdfam10 and
> adds built-ins and intrinsics for the new instructions as needed.

>+#ifdef __x86_64__
>+  __asm__ ("pushq %%rcx; pushq %%rbx; cpuid; popq %%rbx; popq %%rcx"
>+	   : "=a" (fl1) : "0" (0x80000000) : "rdx", "cc");
>+  __asm__ ("pushl %%ecx; pushl %%ebx; cpuid; popl %%ebx; popl %%ecx"
>+	   : "=a" (fl1) : "0" (0x80000000) : "edx", "cc");

You could do without the ifdef when you put ecx,ebx,edx into the clobber
list (32bit clobber implies 64bit one on x86-64)  
Also I didn't think either push/pop nor cpuid changed cc. 

Also I was wondering how hard it would be to make gcc detect code
patterns automatically for the new bitfield instructions? 


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