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Re: [PING][PATCH]: Warn that mpfr-2.2.0 is buggy when configuring

On Dec 28, 2006, at 5:56 AM, Paolo Bonzini wrote:
I disagree with Joe on this: I think that we should not accept MPFR 2.2.1 because, by the time GCC 4.3 is out, most distros will have upgraded to the new version.

Please lay out the benefits and costs as you see them to breaking the automated testers and breaking the builds of all the developers and testers of gcc that have not updated to the version of the day that you'd like to require, and then, try and convince us that there is enough benefit for the cost involved.

Please predict how often you'd like to require us to update those libraries. Once a day, once a month, once a release?

Personally, I don't see enough benefit to requiring the update now. I'd rather that the requirement be bumped on the 4.3 release branch once we are closer to release. By that time, all the additional bugs that people find can be fixed and gotten into a release, and then, we only have to grab and build the libraries once a major release. If you want to rev quickly, once a major release should be able to meet the quality goals you want to set for release. Do you agree? People that want to contribute to testing mpfr and gmp can updates their libraries nightly, if they want, some will. I just ask that you not force people to updating more than once a major release.

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