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Re: [gfortran] commited, patch for PR 24685

On Wed, Feb 15, 2006 at 11:21:32AM -0800, Richard E Maine wrote:
> On Feb 15, 2006, at 10:15 AM, Steve Kargl wrote:
> >I didn't say single and double precision were mentioned.  I said
> >"as if".  How else can one explain the *seemly* arbitrary choice
> >of 99 and 999?
> Any of several ways... But how do those numbers have anything to do 
> with single and/or double? They don't. As I mentioned, single can have 

It has a lot to do with that.  IEEE single decimal exponents are in
-45 .. 38 range, IEEE double decimal exponents in -324 .. 308 range.
IEEE 854 extended double format has -4951 .. 4932 range, IBM extended
double format has -324 .. 308 range and -4966 .. 4932 range.
So, IEEE single and double numbers can never have > 999 exponents.


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