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Re: warning message control: check for enabled warnings

> I suspect that this breaks i18n?  We havn't yet looked up the
> translated version of msgid...

This version moves it after the lookup.

Index: diagnostic.c
RCS file: /cvs/gcc/gcc/gcc/diagnostic.c,v
retrieving revision 1.149
diff -p -U3 -r1.149 diagnostic.c
--- diagnostic.c	23 Apr 2005 21:27:38 -0000	1.149
+++ diagnostic.c	29 Apr 2005 23:10:21 -0000
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - S
 #include "diagnostic.h"
 #include "langhooks.h"
 #include "langhooks-def.h"
+#include "opts.h"
 /* Prototypes.  */
@@ -412,13 +413,22 @@ inform (const char *msgid, ...)
 /* A warning.  Use this for code which is correct according to the
    relevant language specification but is likely to be buggy anyway.  */
-warning (int opt ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, const char *msgid, ...)
+warning (int opt, const char *msgid, ...)
   diagnostic_info diagnostic;
   va_list ap;
+  if (opt && ! option_enabled (opt))
+    return;
   va_start (ap, msgid);
   diagnostic_set_info (&diagnostic, msgid, &ap, input_location, DK_WARNING);
+  if (warn_show_options && opt)
+    diagnostic.message.format_spec
+      = ACONCAT ((diagnostic.message.format_spec,
+		  " [", cl_options[opt].opt_text, "]", 0));
   report_diagnostic (&diagnostic);
   va_end (ap);

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