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Giovanni Bajo wrote:
Nathan Sidwell <> wrote:

The accessors that cannot cause allocation do not need to mention the
allocation mechanism.  I.e.
VEC_length(tree,v);  // how long is this vector (be it none,gc or
but when allocation might occur, you have to specify
VEC_safe_push(tree,gc,v,node);  // push onto end.

What happens if you specify a wrong allocation type in such a function?
Would it be possible to assert this condition in ENABLE_CHECKING mode, at the
expense of (maybe) a slightly larger vec structure?

you get a type mismatch compile error and/or a 'no such function' error. [this is what I mean by 'type safe']

1) duplicate adjacent calls to VEC_safe_push.  I changed these to
VEC_reserve (2), VEC_quick_push (...), VEC_quick_push (...)

Assuming exponential grow, shouldn't the overhead of two consecutive safe_push
be negligible?

correct. but the code size will be larger. It'll look like if (!space_for (1)) extend_vec()1 push (a) if (!space_for (1)) extend_vec(1) push (b)

and the compiler will not be able to optimize both those pushes into
	*ptr++ = a;
	*ptr++ = b;

The conversion will make it look like
	if (!space_for (2))
	push (a)
	push (b)
which is more optimizer friendly.

A few hundred bytes here, a few hundred there, pretty soon we're talking
real memory :)


Nathan Sidwell    ::   ::     CodeSourcery LLC    ::

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