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Re: [PATCH] New pragma handling mechanism.

On Tue, Apr 12, 2005 at 09:59:00PM -0700, Mark Mitchell wrote:
> but, obviously, it was either unclear or not compelling.

Not particularly compelling.  I think this is way over-engineered.

What _I_ want appears to be much more like what Dmitry wants,
but Zack doesn't.  I wanna see _these_ pragmas totally inline
with the text of the program, so that I can just treat them
as any other text that needs parsing.  Then my "#pragma omp for" 
parser does its thing and recurses on c_parser_for_statement,
validates the restricted expression forms, and modifies the IL
to be whatever we decide the right thing is.

I was kinda happy with Zack's "end-pragma-and-continue" thing
becuase it will still let me do that, only with a small jog in
the middle.


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