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[PATCH][4.0][Ada] Fix Ada.Numerics.xxx_Random.Value checking (PRada/18847

Tested on 4.0 x86_64-linux where it fixes the cxa5012 failure.
Ok for 4.0 after 4.0.0 is out?
Ok for 4.1 (after bootstrap completes)?


2005-04-09  Laurent GUERBY  <>

	PR ada/18847
	* a-nudira.adb (Value): Check for valid string.
	* a-nuflra.adb (Value): Likewise.
Index: a-nudira.adb
RCS file: /cvs/gcc/gcc/gcc/ada/a-nudira.adb,v
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -u -r1.5 a-nudira.adb
--- a-nudira.adb        21 Oct 2003 13:41:53 -0000      1.5
+++ a-nudira.adb        9 Apr 2005 20:56:18 -0000
@@ -229,25 +229,34 @@

    function Value (Coded_State : String) return State is
+      Last  : constant Natural := Coded_State'Last;
       Start : Positive := Coded_State'First;
       Stop  : Positive := Coded_State'First;
       Outs  : State;

-      while Coded_State (Stop) /= ',' loop
+      while Stop <= Last and then Coded_State (Stop) /= ',' loop
          Stop := Stop + 1;
       end loop;

+      if Stop > Last then
+         raise Constraint_Error;
+      end if;
       Outs.X1 := Int'Value (Coded_State (Start .. Stop - 1));
       Start := Stop + 1;

          Stop := Stop + 1;
-         exit when Coded_State (Stop) = ',';
+         exit when Stop > Last or else Coded_State (Stop) = ',';
       end loop;

+      if Stop > Last then
+         raise Constraint_Error;
+      end if;
       Outs.X2  := Int'Value (Coded_State (Start .. Stop - 1));
-      Outs.Q   := Int'Value (Coded_State (Stop + 1 .. Coded_State'Last));
+      Outs.Q   := Int'Value (Coded_State (Stop + 1 .. Last));
       Outs.P   := Outs.Q * 2 + 1;
       Outs.FP  := Flt (Outs.P);
       Outs.Scl := (RstL - RstF + 1.0) / (Flt (Outs.P) * Flt (Outs.Q));
Index: a-nuflra.adb
RCS file: /cvs/gcc/gcc/gcc/ada/a-nuflra.adb,v
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -u -r1.5 a-nuflra.adb
--- a-nuflra.adb        21 Oct 2003 13:41:53 -0000      1.5
+++ a-nuflra.adb        9 Apr 2005 20:56:18 -0000
@@ -256,33 +256,46 @@

    function Value (Coded_State : String) return State is
+      Last  : constant Natural := Coded_State'Last;
       Start : Positive := Coded_State'First;
       Stop  : Positive := Coded_State'First;
       Outs  : State;

-      while Coded_State (Stop) /= ',' loop
+      while Stop <= Last and then Coded_State (Stop) /= ',' loop
          Stop := Stop + 1;
       end loop;

+      if Stop > Last then
+         raise Constraint_Error;
+      end if;
       Outs.X1 := Int'Value (Coded_State (Start .. Stop - 1));
       Start := Stop + 1;

          Stop := Stop + 1;
-         exit when Coded_State (Stop) = ',';
+         exit when Stop > Last or else Coded_State (Stop) = ',';
       end loop;

+      if Stop > Last then
+         raise Constraint_Error;
+      end if;
       Outs.X2 := Int'Value (Coded_State (Start .. Stop - 1));
       Start := Stop + 1;

          Stop := Stop + 1;
-         exit when Coded_State (Stop) = ',';
+         exit when Stop > Last or else Coded_State (Stop) = ',';
       end loop;

+      if Stop > Last then
+         raise Constraint_Error;
+      end if;
       Outs.P   := Int'Value (Coded_State (Start .. Stop - 1));
-      Outs.Q   := Int'Value (Coded_State (Stop + 1 .. Coded_State'Last));
+      Outs.Q   := Int'Value (Coded_State (Stop + 1 .. Last));
       Outs.X   := Euclid (Outs.P, Outs.Q);
       Outs.Scl := 1.0 / (Flt (Outs.P) * Flt (Outs.Q));

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