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[libstdc++] Cleanup build system 9/n

This removes PACKAGE and VERSION from acconfig.h and replaces them with AH_TEMPLATES.

As PACKAGE and VERSION don't seem to be actually used (except in make dist which we don't do), either removing the Automake "no-defines" option or just deleting them would probably also work, but this is clearly the safest method as it leaves all the generated files the same except for whitespace and comments.

It also updates the How to reconfigure comment :)


2005-04-07  Kelley Cook  <>

	* Create template for PACKAGE and VERSION.
	Update comment on how to regenerate file.
	* acconfig.h: Remove PACKAGE and VERSION.
	*, configure: Regenerate.
diff -prdu -x '*~' -x autom4te.cache /home/kcook34/gcc-orig/libstdc++-v3/acconfig.h ./acconfig.h
--- /home/kcook34/gcc-orig/libstdc++-v3/acconfig.h	2005-04-07 10:15:03.089089900 -0400
+++ ./acconfig.h	2005-04-07 10:27:35.581401400 -0400
@@ -1,9 +1,5 @@
 // Symbols and macros for libstdc++ -*- C++ -*-
-// Defines libstdc++ version.
-#undef PACKAGE
-#undef VERSION
 // @BOTTOM@
 // Define symbol versioning in assember directives. If symbol
diff -prdu -x '*~' -x autom4te.cache /home/kcook34/gcc-orig/libstdc++-v3/ ./
--- /home/kcook34/gcc-orig/libstdc++-v3/	2005-04-06 09:32:02.695336800 -0400
+++ ./	2005-04-07 10:17:59.244489700 -0400
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
-# Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script, like so:
-# aclocal && autoconf && autoheader && automake
+# Process this file with autoreconf to produce a configure script.
 AC_INIT(package-unused, version-unused,, libstdc++)
@@ -59,6 +58,8 @@ fi
 #  -Wall:  turns on all automake warnings...
 #  -Wno-portability:  ...except this one, since GNU make is now required.
 AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([1.9.1 no-define foreign no-dependencies -Wall -Wno-portability -Wno-override])
+AH_TEMPLATE(PACKAGE, [Name of package])
+AH_TEMPLATE(VERSION, [Version number of package])
 # Runs, finds CC, CXX, and assorted other critical bits.  Sets
 # up critical shell variables.

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