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Re: [PATCH] Assertify l*.c

Richard Guenther wrote:
On Apr 1, 2005 4:15 PM, Nathan Sidwell <> wrote:

   inc = INTVAL (increment);
+   gcc_assert (inc);
   if (inc > 0)
       abs_diff = INTVAL (final_value) - INTVAL (initial_value);
       abs_inc = inc;
!   else
       abs_diff = INTVAL (initial_value) - INTVAL (final_value);
       abs_inc = -inc;

I think these sort of transformations make the code less readable.
that's reasonable.  I did think about it when I was transforming the code,
and went the way I've gone in other such cases.  Feel free to patch it back
if you want :)

> I'd suggest
at least spelling the assert like

gcc_assert (inc != 0);

Y'know, I really don't understand this POV. The C language specifies that expressions in boolean context are implicitly compared against zero. Adding in the '!= 0' part invites an infinite series of '!= 0' as Hofstadter writes in 'Goedel, Escher, Bach'.

My 2pennies :)


Nathan Sidwell    ::   ::     CodeSourcery LLC    ::

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