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Re: UCNs-in-IDs patch

On Thu, 17 Mar 2005, Zack Weinberg wrote:

> Lemme put it this way.  You already act more or less as GCC's WG14
> liason.  Are you willing to write the DRs, shepherd them through the
> resolution process, and report back on their eventual outcome?  Are
> you willing to write the testcases illustrating the spelling issues
> you are concerned with?  Are you, assuming no one else gets to it,
> willing to code preservation of identifier spelling?

I'll write the DRs where it seems there is a defect.  (I haven't been 
convinced by any of this discussion that there is a defect beyond maybe 
the lack of definition of "spelling".)  I'll ask the WG14 list where that 
rather than a DR seems the appropriate source of interpretative 
information (as in the case of how "spelling" is to be understood), 
following up with DRs where that seems to be the appropriate action.  I 
won't necessarily write DRs if it seems to me that the standard is clear 
and the other interpretations are perverse, unless DRs are required e.g. 
for the purpose of marking tests in third-party testsuites taking the 
perverse interpretation DISPUTED (as is the case with bug 18814).  In due 
course if no-one else gets to it I'll write testcases for the technical 
checklist issues I consider inadequately tested (this is not however 
volunteering to do any test harness additions required for the 
multi-language multi-file testcase requested of linking a C file with a 
UCN identifier and a C++ file with the same identifier with extern "C"). 
Bugs will in due course be filed if someone else doesn't get there first 
concerning issues which are unfixed (to replace bug 9449 by separate bugs 
for each inadequately addressed issue), and such bugs will in effect serve 
as the TODO list required to change "extended identifiers" in 
c99status.html from "Broken" (it's presently "Missing" but enough is 
present to move it to "Broken") to "Done"; the general TODO list implied 
by bug 16989 will serve for when I attempt to fix miscellaneous C99 

Bugs and testcases will include those applicable only for C++ (which 
includes some of the spelling cases).  However, I'm not volunteering to 
maintain a list of C++03 status or a tracker bug depending on PRs which 
need fixing to implement C++03.

Joseph S. Myers      (personal mail) (CodeSourcery mail) (Bugzilla assignments and CCs)

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