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RE: PATCH: Add gettimeofday to libiberty

Mark Mitchell wrote:
> DJ, Ian --
> As per our off-list discussions, here is a path to add gettimeofday to
> libiberty, for the benefit of Windows.
> OK to install?
> --
> Mark Mitchell

The patch provides only 1 sec resolution in struct timeval. Is that all
that is required?

Would a patch that uses win32api time function (GetSystemTimeAsFileTime)
to get microsecond resolution be acceptable, guarded with #ifdef
__MINGW32__ ? The win32api function is also faster than the CRT
function time().  (The CRT function supports legacy pre-3.5 NT versions
and pre-Windows95 win32S, where GetSystemTimeAsFileTime is not available)

If such a patch is not acceptable,  a statement to that effect is just as good
my perspective,  since that would  provide another argument to add gettimeofday
to mingw's extension runtime.


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