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Re: Please *bootstrap* patches

"Giovanni Bajo" <> writes:

| Yes, this was my patch. While I sympathize with your sentiment, I
| must notice that there is no official need to bootstrap a C++ only
| patch (a patch affecting only files in cp/). In fact, our
| official rules at say:

You're right.


| This was suggested by Jason Merrill. If this procedure does not
| activate -Werror, then it is a problem of our contribution rules, which I
| follow literally. When I invoke "make all-gcc" on my patched decl.c, I see the
Not a problem with the contribution rules.  But a problem in the
makefiles.  Since we currently build cc1plus only with GCC, we
should have put -Werror for regular make.  That is what should be fixed.

-- Gaby

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