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Re: Patch to allow Ada to work with tree-ssa

    In particular, you've just added an extra entry to ARRAY_REF and
    COMPONENT_REF, making these two common tree nodes bigger.
    (COMPONENT_REF, in particular, is used extensively in C++; every
    access to a class member variable is a COMPONENT_REF.)  These extra
    entries are unnecessary in C and C++, meaning that for GCC's two
    most-used languages you've just increased memory usage with no
    benefit.  If you need some additional stuff for Ada, please find a way
    that doesn't penalize C and C++.

Here's the specific test case for C.  I note that it isn't valid C++,
but I don't know C++ well enough to make a similar case there.  Note
that the proposal involving using an INDIRECT_REF won't work with this
case because it's a bitfield.

sub1 (int n)
  struct foo {int arr[n]; int filler : 3; int fld : 4;} x;

  return x.fld;

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