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Re: [patch] Lno branch merge part 3 -- ssa form updating improvements

Well, and to say it bluntly:  we need something *now*, in order to be
able to proceed with the rest of the branch merge, and we won't have
anything else that would be sufficiently tested soon enough.

Has it been definitively decided to merge the LNO branch?

At the Summit, there were some pretty deep reservations expressed about some parts of the LNO branch. I think that there needs to be some discussion about these issues and probably SC involvement before merging in all of the code. I think that we should probably be taking advantage of Ken Zadeck's offer to talk about things as well.

So far, the things you've been merging in are just utilities, which doesn't seem like it's controversial at all.

I'm not expressing an opinion one way or the other; I don't know enough yet. I've talked to people who think that all of the LNO branch is essential functionality and other people who think that at least some parts (like the scalar evolution code) are too experimental. We need to try to find consensus here.

Mark Mitchell
CodeSourcery, LLC

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