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Re: [RFA] ObjC testsuite use simple NSConstantString implementation

Nicola Pero wrote:

this is supplies the testsuite with a simple NSConstantString implementation to be used for the Apple ObjC runtime tests. This is an alternative patch in reference to the following thread:

I must apologize for not being aware that the Darwin distribution indeed does not bundle Foundation with it. :-)

Would conditionalizing '-framework Foundation' on '--disable-libobjc' (_and_ Darwinness, of course) be a good compromise?

Not really because again this still does not work on the Darwin OS which does
not have the Foundation framework and if we are testing the NeXT^wApple's runtime.

Thing is, it is really good to be able to exercise '-framework', as well as test NSConstantStrings in their "natural environment". :-)

This (the need for testing -framework) is indeed a very good point, but
I'd say the right approach is to add separate tests for -framework then. :-)

Well I don't really want to get involved in a long political debate, so I'll be reluctant to reply (on list) on this topic after the following:

I assume that Apple has unit testing in place for Foundation, but I don't really see the point burdening GCC with that. I feel that tests which link against Foundation are simply outside of the scope of the GCC testsuite.

The Apple ObjC runtime is an alternative free runtime which (most importantly) GCC's is targeted to generate code for. Therefor the GCC tests against the Apple runtime are absolutely within the scope of FSF GCC's responsibility.

Now Foundation is a proprietary framework and I don't think FSF GCC has any business testing against it. Also this framework adds hooks that alter the behavior of the runtime which can't be investigated (by anyone else but Apple) if the tests start to fail.

Therefor I'd rather not see tests that link against Foundation. (I have no problem with testing the -framework option per se, in fact I think that would be good.)

David Ayers

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