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[tree-ssa] Disable a fortran option to fix a bunch of FAILs fromthe C preprocessor


Several cpp testcases fail on tree-ssa because the new options handling
mechanism can't handle different option flags from different languages. 
The FAILs happen for any invocation of cc1 with the "-M" option.  For C,
in c.opt, this option is defined as:

C ObjC C++ ObjC++
Generate make dependencies

i.e. nice and clean, not joined.  For gfortran, we had in lang.opt:

F95 Joined
-M<directory> Put MODULE files in 'directory'

Neil's new option mechanism then builds the list of options+flags and it
doesn't notice/cannot handle that F95 expects CL_JOINED and C does not. 
The flag is just set for the -M option for _all_ languagues.  Then we do
"cc1 -M", get into opts.c, and look at option->flags,

  /* Sort out any argument the switch takes.  */
  if (option->flags & CL_JOINED)

The C version of the option is not joined, but the option handler thinks
it is: 

cc1: error: missing argument to "-M"

I've installed this patch as obvious, to paper over the problem. 
gfortran has had the -J option from the start as a duplicate for -M
because it also didn't work with the old options handling.
IMHO the issue should still be fixed properly, by allowing different
languages to have different options flags...


	* lang.c: Remove -M option for now, it's in the way for C.

Index: fortran/lang.opt
RCS file: /cvs/gcc/gcc/gcc/fortran/Attic/lang.opt,v
retrieving revision
diff -c -3 -p -r1.1.2.3 lang.opt
*** fortran/lang.opt	10 Aug 2003 13:52:31 -0000
--- fortran/lang.opt	16 Oct 2003 17:52:13 -0000
*************** J
*** 33,42 ****
  F95 Joined
  -J<directory>	Put MODULE files in 'directory'
- M
- F95 Joined
- -M<directory>	Put MODULE files in 'directory'
  F95 RejectNegative
  ; Documented in C
--- 33,38 ----

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