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[RFA] Fix bit/byte unit thinko in is_aliasing_offset


At least for Ada, some special circuitry is available to deal with local or
dynamically allocated objects more-than-maximally aligned, that is, the
alignment of which is requested to be greater than BIGGEST_ALIGNMENT.

A number of issues are making the whole Ada scheme severely broken as of
today, as demonstrated on e.g. x86-linux by the testcase provided below.

The patch included here fixes a simple bit/byte unit thinko in
is_aligning_offset, which is part of what's necessary to fix the general

It bootstraps and passes regression tests fine on i686-pc-linux-gnu, and has
also been tested with another set of patches on sparc-sun-solaris2.8.

The Ada testcase follows.


2003-10-07  Olivier Hainque  <>

	* expr.c (is_aligning_offset): Check if we are aligning the
	expressions's address over BIGGEST_ALIGNMENT in bytes, not
	in bits.

*** gcc/expr.c.ori	Fri Oct  3 18:55:28 2003
--- gcc/expr.c	Fri Oct  3 18:32:01 2003
*************** is_aligning_offset (offset, exp)
*** 8986,8996 ****
    /* We must now have a BIT_AND_EXPR with a constant that is one less than
       power of 2 and which is larger than BIGGEST_ALIGNMENT.  */
    if (TREE_CODE (offset) != BIT_AND_EXPR
        || !host_integerp (TREE_OPERAND (offset, 1), 1)
!       || compare_tree_int (TREE_OPERAND (offset, 1), BIGGEST_ALIGNMENT) <= 0
        || !exact_log2 (tree_low_cst (TREE_OPERAND (offset, 1), 1) + 1) < 0)
      return 0;
    /* Look at the first operand of BIT_AND_EXPR and strip any conversion.
       It must be NEGATE_EXPR.  Then strip any more conversions.  */
--- 8986,8997 ----
    /* We must now have a BIT_AND_EXPR with a constant that is one less than
       power of 2 and which is larger than BIGGEST_ALIGNMENT.  */
    if (TREE_CODE (offset) != BIT_AND_EXPR
        || !host_integerp (TREE_OPERAND (offset, 1), 1)
!       || compare_tree_int (TREE_OPERAND (offset, 1), 
        || !exact_log2 (tree_low_cst (TREE_OPERAND (offset, 1), 1) + 1) < 0)
      return 0;
    /* Look at the first operand of BIT_AND_EXPR and strip any conversion.
       It must be NEGATE_EXPR.  Then strip any more conversions.  */



     with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;

     procedure M is
	N_Tries : constant := 3;

	type Aligned_T is new Integer;
	for Aligned_T'Alignment use Standard'Maximum_Alignment * 2;

	type Aligned_A is access Aligned_T;

	procedure Dump (X : Aligned_A) is
	   if X /= null then
	      Put_Line (Aligned_T'Image (X.all));
	      Put_Line ("null pointer");
	   end if;

	Pointer_To_New : Aligned_A;
	Pointer_To_Previous : Aligned_A;
	for I in 1 .. N_Tries loop

	   Pointer_To_Previous := Pointer_To_New;

	   Pointer_To_New := new Aligned_T;
	   Pointer_To_New.all := Aligned_T (I);

	   Put ("Pre => "); Dump (Pointer_To_Previous);
	   Put ("New => "); Dump (Pointer_To_New);
	   Put_Line ("-----");
	end loop;

expected output:

Pre => null pointer
New =>  1
Pre =>  1
New =>  2
Pre =>  2
New =>  3

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