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Re: PATCH: Find more ObjC methods

On Friday, Oct 3, 2003, at 12:53 US/Pacific, Devang Patel wrote:

Furthermore, methods in Objective-C are not 'private' (or 'protected') in the C++ sense;
all methods _are_ visible to the runtime. So, in the example above, the program definitely
_will_ call 'somePrivateMethod'. Also, since we happened to see the @implementation in this
case, we can actually determine which 'somePrivateMethod' this will be.

That's why compiler should not issue warning in this case. If it issues warning
than as an end user I take it it as "I'm doing something that is not OK/preferred
and compiler is warning me about it". Which not the case here so compiler should
not issue warning (and I guess you agree with me).

Yup -- great minds do think alike... :-) :-) -------------------------------------------------------------- Ziemowit Laski 1 Infinite Loop, MS 301-2K Mac OS X Compiler Group Cupertino, CA USA 95014-2083 Apple Computer, Inc. +1.408.974.6229 Fax .5477

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