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Re: [tree-ssa] Minor update for project web page - vectorization

> > Could you prepare a patch for that?
> Sure. Here it is - a suggestion for a small update to index.html, and the
> vectorization html file, both inlined and as an attachment).

Here's the same content, this time conforming to XHTML form,
XHTML-ized by Steven Bosscher (thanks very much!).


(See attached file: vect_plan)

<title>Auto-vectorization in GCC</title>


<h1>Auto-vectorization in GCC:<br />
A preliminary high level plan of implementation</h1>

<p>This document outlines a high level plan for the implementation of
auto-vectorization in the <a href="";>
tree-ssa branch</a> of GCC.  The main goals of this document are to:</p>

<li><p><b>Facilitate contributing to the different vectorization-related
<p>Vectorization consists of many independent components.  While some basic
infrastructure will be required by all vectorization &quot;clients&quot;,
there are many directions by which this basic infrastructure can be enhanced.
The decision on which directions to pursue first is in many cases guided
by the specific properties of a given target architecture and target
application domain.  Therefore, it is important to keep developers informed
about the implementation status of these different directions, and allow
them to push those directions that are more important for their targets
(but possibly too far down the vectorizer's todo list).</p></li>
<li><p><b>Increase synchronization and minimize work duplication.</b></p>
<p>Vectorization consists of, or can benefit from, components that are used
by other compiler optimizations; some of these components are already under
development. The hope is that exposing the list of components that the
vectorizer may need to interact with, would help to increase the
synchronization between the vectorizer and other components and assist
in minimizing work duplication.</p></li>
<li><p><b>Expose this work.</b></p>
<p>Allow early exposure of this work, in order to be able to get feedback.
All tree-ssa developers are encouraged to comment on the infrastructure
that is available (or is being or will be developed) in the tree-ssa and
it's implications on the items listed here.</p></li>

<p>This document tries to serve the above goals by,</p>

<li>providing a list all the issues that vectorization may need to handle,</li>
<li>breaking the implementation into independent tasks as much as possible,
    and </li>
<li>proposing a gradual implementation that consists of a very limited
    vectorizer as a first step, which will be gradually extend in different

<h2>General Vectorization Scheme</h2>

<p>The table below outlines the high-level vectorization scheme along with
a proposal for an implementation scheme, as follows:</p>

<li><p>The first column (<i>vectorization driver</i>") lists the tasks
    that the vectorizer must consist of. It briefly describes the expected
    functionality of each task.</p></li>
<li><p>The second column (<i>basic-vectorizer</i>) describes a proposal for
    a basic vectorizer that provides minimal support for each of these
    tasks, listing the restrictions that will be imposed by the basic
    vectorizer on candidate loops. Loops that are considered vectorizable
    by the basic-vectorizer are of the form:</p>

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;for(i=0; i&lt;N; i++) {<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;a[i] = b[i] + c[i];<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;}<br />
<li><p>The third column (<i>enhancements</i>) lists possible directions for
    extending the capabilities of the basic vectorizer.</p></li>

<p>Following the table is a complete list of these enhancement,
that provides some more detail. Some of these enhancements are aimed
at improving the efficiency of the vector code that is being generated.
Other enhancements aim to broaden the range of loops that are amenable
for vectorization.</p>

<p>One way to do it is to extend the vectorizer to handle additional
loop forms (for example, extend the vectorizer to handle loops that
contain reduction, type casting, etc.).</p>

<p>Another way is to transform loops to confirm to the set of loops that
the vectorizer can handle.  For example, for the case of conditional
code, a <i>preprocessing phase</i> will detect <code>if-then-else</code>
constructs that can be collapsed into an operation (or a straight line
sequence of operations) that is supported by the target.</p>

<p>Indeed, an important set of the enhancements listed below fall into
this category (<a href="#Idiom_Recognition">idioms recognition</a>,
<a href="#Access_Pattern">access patterns analysis</a>).
This is because the general principle we are trying to follow is to
keep the actual code transformation part of the vectorizer as simple
as possible: a simple scan of straight-line code, and a one-to-one
replacement of each scalar operation with the equivalent vector
operation.  To support this scheme, new &quot;virtual&quot; scalar
operations will need to be introduced (probably as built-in functions)
by the preprocessing phase, to be later replaced by actual vector
operations. In the tree level, vector operations are represented
using built-in functions, unless it is decided that it is desirable
to introduce special tree expressions to represent them.</p>

<table border="1" width="98%">

<tr valign="top">
<td width="33%"><b>vectorization driver</b></td>
<td width="33%"><b>basic vectorizer</b></td>
<td width="33%"><b>enhancements</b></td>

<tr valign="top">
<td><code>analyze_loop_CFG(loop)</code><br />
Checks the <a href="#loop_CFG">control flow properties of the loop</a>
(number of basic-blocks it consists of, nesting, single entry/exit, etc),
in order to determine whether the control flow of the loop falls within
the range of loop forms that are supported by this vectorizer.
<li>inner-most (single nest) loops.</li>
<li>single basic block loops (no if-then-else constructs, etc).</li>
<li>other restrictions (single successor/predecessor pre-heated/latch
<li>use <a href="#Idiom_Recognition">idiom recognition</a> to collapse
    <code>if-then-else</code> constructs into a single operation.</li>
<li>handle <a href="#Idiom_Recognition">conditional execution</a></li>
<li>the above need to be aware of <a href="#Machine">target specific
    vector capabilities</a>.</li>
<li>extend the <a href="#Loop_Forms">range of loop forms</a> that can
    be vectorized, with respect to their CFG.</li>

<tr valign="top">
<td><code>analyze_loop_index_and_bound(loop)</code><br />
Analyzes the loop termination condition to determine the loop bound and
properties of the loop index (its bounds and step).  The functionality
of this utility should be largely provided by the information computed by
the <a href="#Induction_Variable">Induction Variable Analyzer</a>.
<li>handle simple normalized loops (loop index is a trivial IV with
    step 1, etc.), with a simple termination condition.</li>
<li>loop-bound known at compile time.</li>
<li><code>loop-bound &gt;= vector_size</code> and
    <code>loop-bound % vector_size = 0</code>.</li>
<li>relax the restrictions on the <a href="#Loop_Forms">loop bound</a>
    and <a href="#Access_Pattern">loop index</a> imposed by the basic

<tr valign="top">
<td><code>analyze_loop_stmts(loop-stmts)</code><br />
Scan the loop statements and check whether there are any statements that
prohibit vectorization (function calls, statements that don't have a
<a href="#mapping">mapping</a> to a built-in vector function, etc.)
<li>no support for scalar expansion.</li>
<li>no mixture of data types (all statements operate on the same data
<li>possibly other restrictions.</li>
<li>handle <a href="#computations">scalar expansion</a>.</li>
<li>handle computations with
    <a href="#computations">mixed data types</a>.</li>

<tr valign="top">
<td><code>analyze_access_pattern(loop-mem-refs)</code><br />
Analyze the memory references in the loop, and
<a href="#Access_Pattern">classify them according to the access
pattern</a> that they exhibit.
<li>support only memory accesses which are array references
    (no pointers...).</li>
<li>support only consecutive (unit stride) access pattern.</li>
<li>extend the access pattern analyzer to handle pointer references</li>
<li>improve the <a href="#Pointer_Aliasing">memory aliasing</a>
<li>handle non consecutive access patterns
    <a href="#Machine">if supported by the target</a>.</li>

<tr valign="top">
<td><code>analyze_alignment(loop-mem-refs)</code><br />
Analyze the alignment of all the memory references in the loop. For
each memory reference, record its misalignment amount, if it can be
resolved at compile time.
<li>misalignment amount for all memory references is known at compile
<li>no misalignment (all references are aligned).</li>
<li><a href="#Alignment">handle unaligned accesses</a>.</li>

<tr valign="top">
<td><code>analyze_loop_carried_dependences(loop)</code><br />
Build the loop dependence graph (for scalar and array references);
Detect Strongly Connected Components (SCCs) in the graph (statements
that are involved in a dependence cycle); Perform a topological sort
on the reduced graph (in which each SCC is represented by a single node);
Only singleton SCCs w/o self dependences can be vectorized. If other
SCCs are present, loop transformations are required.
<li>handle only loops that consist of singleton SCCs w/o self deps.</li>
<li>the only scalar loop-carried dependencies allowed are of IVs which
    are used in array references or for the loop index (i.e., reduction
    is not supported).</li>
<li>use simplest dependence tests.</li>
<li>use more <a href="#Dependence">advanced dependence tests</a>.</li>
<li>try to <a href="#Dependence">break cycles in the dependence graph</a>
    of the loop by performing
    <a href="#Loop_Transform">loop transformations</a>
    (or <a href="#Idiom_Recognition">detecting reduction</a>).</li>

<tr valign="top">
<td><code>estimate_vectorization_profitability(loop)</code><br />
At this point, it has been determined that the loop is vectorizable.
It remains to decide whether it is indeed profitable to vectorize it.
<li>vectorize all loops with loop_bound &gt;= MIN_LIMIT (?).</li>
<li>develop a <a href="#Cost">cost model</a>.</li>

<tr valign="top">
<td><code>vectorize_loop(loop)</code><br />
Replace the scalar statements with the corresponding built-in vector
functions; Also change the loop bound accordingly.
<li>use a <a href="#mapping">scalar-to-vector mapping</a>.</li>
<li><a href="#Other_Optimizations.">misc optimizations</a>.</li>
<li><a href="#Other_Issues">misc issues</a> to consider.</li>

<h2>List of Vectorization Related Tasks</h2>

<p>The following is a list of independent directions by which the basic
vectorizer can be enhanced. It should be possible to for different people
to work on different items from this list. Some of these items maybe
already under development, or maybe already supported.</p>

<li><p><a name="loop_CFG"></a><b>Loop detection and loop CFG analysis</b></p>

    <p>Detect loops, and record some basic control flow information about
    them (number of basic blocks, loop latch and pre-header, etc.); also
    develop utilities to support CFG transformations on loops.</p>

    <p><b>Status:</b> Loop detection and control flow analysis is already
    supported (<code>cfgloop.c</code>, <code>cfgloopanal.c</code>); tools
    to perform loop transformation (e.g., duplicate a loop body for code
    versioning): to be revisited when the GIMPLE intermediate representation
<li><p><a name="Machine"></a><b>Machine Modeling</b></p>

    <p>Expose the required machine dependent information to the
    <code>tree</code> level. A first basic implementation will not deal
    with issues that require machine dependent knowledge; for such an
    implementation, knowledge of the size of the vector would suffice.
    As the capabilities of the vectorizer are extended, it will be
    required to inform the vectorizer of the capabilities available in
    the architecture (for example, mechanisms to deal with misalignment,
    conditional execution for vector instructions, etc.).</p>

    <p><b>Status:</b> N/A.</p></li>
<li><p><a name="mapping"></a><b>Scalar-to-Vector Mapping</b></p>

    <p>Provide a mapping of scalar statements to the corresponding
    built-in vector functions.</p>

    <p><b>Status:</b> The general SIMD support in GCC that emulates vector
    function built-ins for architectures without vector/SIMD extensions may
    provide some initial support already?</p></li>
<li><p><a name="Cost"></a><b>Cost Model</b></p>

    <p>There is an overhead associated with vectorization -- moving data
    in to/out of vector registers before/after the vectorized loop,
    aligning of data accesses, etc. It is required to incorporate a cost
    model into the machine description in order to allow the vectorizer to
    evaluate whether it is worth while to vectorize a given loop. One can
    also consider using run time tests to decide which version of the loop
    to execute (scalar or vectorized).</p>

    <p><b>Status:</b> N/A.</p></li>
<li><p><a name="Induction_Variable"></a><b>Induction Variable Analysis</b></p>

    <p>Used by the vectorizer to detect loop bound, analyze access
    patterns and analyze data dependences between array references.
    One option is that the dependence tests would be designed deal
    with array references that are expressed in terms of a linear
    function of the iteration counter (In this case, vectorization
    will also benefit from optimizations like induction variable
    substitution and replacement of auxiliary IVs with linear
    functions of the loop index).</p>

    <p>A dependence tester that is based on IVs represented in this
    form would analyze each subscript of each array reference, and apply
    the appropriate dependence test (SIV, ZIV, MIV etc., see
    <a href="#Dependence">dependence testing</a>).</p>

    <p>Alternatively, an induction variable evolution analyzer could
    provide a different implementation to the dependence tester.</p>

    <p><b>Status:</b> Induction Variable Analysis is under development(?).
    In addition, recurrence-chains based induction variable evolution
    analysis is under development(?).</p></li>
<li><p><a name="Dependence"></a><b>Dependence Testing</b></p>

    <p>Following the classic dependence-based approach for vectorization
    as described in <a href="#kenedy-book">#kenedy-book</a>, apply
    dependence tests to pairs of array references in each loop nest,
    and analyze the resulting dependence graph. We will start from a
    dependence analyzer that relies on the array references being
    expressed in terms of a linear function of the loop index, apply
    the simplest dependence tests to all pairs of memory read/write
    and write/write, and gradually extend its capabilities. The scheme
    below follows the algorithm described in <a href="#tseng">#tseng:</a></p>

    <li>partition the array subscripts into seperable sets (subscripts
        which index does not occur in other subscripts).</li>
    <li>apply the simplest tests for separable subscripts (strong SIV
        (single index variable) tests).</li>
    <li>Incorporate more advanced dependence tests; first, tests for
        separable subscripts - e.g., weak SIV tests, MIV (Multiple Index
        Variable) tests, followed by tests for coupled subscripts,
        possibly up to integer linear programming like Fourier-Motzkin
    <li>compute dependence distance, and prune dependences with
        distance &gt; vector_size.</li>
    <li>try to handle cycles in the dependence graph of the loop
        (by performing loop distribution, etc.).</li>
    <li>generalize the dependence tester to nested loops.</li>

    <p>An alternative implementation may be provided by an IV evolution

    <p><b>Status:</b> N/A.</p></li> <!-- pfeww, so this item _does end!? -->
<li><p><a name="Access_Pattern"></a><b>Access Pattern Analysis</b></p>

    <p>The memory architecture usually allows only restricted accesses
    to data in memory; one of the restrictions is that the accessed data
    must be consecutive in memory. Any other accesses (strided for example)
    require to perform special permutation of the data in order to pack the
    data elements in the right order into a vector register. Support for
    different access patterns consists of the following stages:</p>

    <li>access pattern analysis.  Classify the access pattern of each
    array reference. Like the dependence analyzer, the Access pattern
    analyzer also relies on the array references being expressed in
    terms of a linear function of the loop index.</li>
    <li>trivially handle consecutive (unit stride) access patterns (a[i]).</li>
    <li>Handle strided access patterns (a[2*i]). The stride 2 access pattern
    appears in computations on complex numbers, where the real and imaginary
    parts are interleaved in the input/output array.</li>
    <li>Handle other types of access patterns?</li>
    <li>Support pointer arithmetic.</li>

    <p>In order to facilitate a scheme that trivially replaces each
    operation with its equivalent SIMD instruction, a <b>preprocessing pass</b>
    may need to take place in order to convert the scalar operations into a
    proper (scalar) form (a similar issue come up in the
    <a href="#Idiom_Recognition">&quot;flattening&quot; of conditional
    operations</a> into virtual scalar operation). A trivial example is to
    convert <code>a[i] = b[i]</code> into the sequence
    <code>t = b[i]; a[i] = t;</code>, which will be later replaced with a
    vector load and a vector store. Another example comes up when expressing
    strided data accesses. In this case, address computation operations are

    <p>For example, the following code sequence is generated in order to
    represent the expression <code>a[2*i+1] = b[i];</code>:</p>

    <li><code>T.1 = i * 2;</code></li>
    <li><code>T.2 = T.1 + 1;</code></li>
    <li><code>a[T.2] = b[i];</code></li>

    <p>These operations (1 and 2 in the example) determine the data
    permutation that will be performed, however, they do not need to be
    directly vectorized. It maybe required to mark such code as "related
    to computation of array reference X" in order to indicate that no
    vector code needs to be generated for it; instead, we may want to
    consider collapsing this code into the relevant array reference,
    similarly to forward substitution (but this would probably mean
    breaking the GIMPLE convensions?).</p>

    <p><b>Status:</b> This analysis relies on the way array references and
    their related address computation is represented in the GIMPLE trees.
    It also relies on the ways IVs are expressed.</p></li>
<li><p><a name="computations"></a><b>Extend the range of supportable

    <p>At first, the only computations that will be vectorized are those
    for which the vectorization process consists of trivially replacing
    each scalar operation in the loop with it's vector counterpart. This
    includes simple loads, stores and arithmetic operations that operate
    on the same data type. Some computations require extra code to be
    generated in order to vectorize. These include:</p>

    <li>computations with mixed types; these require proper
    promotion/demotion between vectors of different sizes.</li>
    <li>computations that involve loop invariants (<code>a[i] = N</code>)
    and involves scalar expansion.</li>
    <li>computations that involve induction variables (<code>a[i] = i</code>),
    involves scalar expansion, and proper initialization and update code.</li>

    <p><b>Status:</b> N/A.</p></li>
    <!--It may be required for each array reference, to mark all related
        code that is used to compute the address (the array subscript).
        This code will not be vectorized, but will determine what kind
        of permutation will be required to support the data access. -->
<li><p><a name="Alignment"></a><b>Alignment</b></p>

    <p>The memory architecture usually allows only restricted accesses
    to data in memory. One of the restrictions is that data accesses
    need to be properly aligned on a certain boundary. Even if the
    architecture supports unaligned accesses, these are usually much
    more costly than aligned accesses. The work on alignment consists
    of several stages:</p>

    <li>analysis -- Compute the misalignment properties of each memory
    <li>handling of aligned memory accesses only (do not attempt to
    vectorize loops that contain unaligned accesses).</li>
    <li>if it is impossible to determine at compile time whether the
    memory access is aligned, create two versions of the loop and use
    a runtime test to decide which version to execute: the original
    scalar version (if the data access is not aligned), or the vectorized
    version (if the access is aligned).</li>
    <li>develop optimizations that increase the alignment of data accesses
    (static loop peeling, dynamic loop peeling, etc.).</li>
    <li>vectorize unaligned accesses. There are different ways to do that,
    depending on whether the target supports unaligned accesses, and also
    depending on what we want to implement at the tree level, and what we
    want to leave for the RTL level to handle. For example, one could
    generate the required code to support a mis-aligned memory access (for
    miss-aligned loads, generate an additional load and the required
    merging code). Alternatively, the tree level could just generate a
    "VEC_UNALIGNED_LOAD" insn, that will be translated later in the RTL
    level into the appropriate RTL sequence that handles the unaligned
    load (in a target dependent way). This means however that optimizations
    that try to reduce the merging overhead cannot take place in the tree
    level, where it is probably easier to do than at the RTL level.</li>

    <p><b>Status:</b> N/A.</p></li>
<li><p><a name="Idiom_Recognition"></a><b>Idiom Recognition and Conditional

    <p>It is often the case that complicated computations can be reduced
    into a simpler, straight-line sequnce of operation. These operations
    may not be directly supported in a scalar form, but are supported by
    the target in a vector form. Such cases include:</p>

    <li>detect and support reduction operations:
        <li>detect different kinds of reduction (summation, min/max,
            min/max with index, etc.); once detected, these idioms may
            be replaced with a virtual scalar operation (to facilitate
            straight forward vector code generation).</li>
        <li>vectorizing the reduction requires generating epilog
            code after the loop. First, generate a scalar code sequence
            to compute the epilog. Later, try to make use of target
            dependent mechanisms to compute the epilog of the reduction
            more efficiently.</li>
    <li>support conditional vector execution, using masked vector
    operations, or predicated vector operations, or vector select
    operations, according to what is available in the specific target.</li>
    <li><p>detect special patterns that are supported by the architecture.
    This may involve collapsing multi-block constructs (such as
    <code>if-then-else</code>) into a single vectorizable operation. For
    example, in the following code sequence (taken from the SPECint
    benchmark gzip) the conditional expression can be collpased into
    a &quot;subtract and saturate&quot; operation<br />
    (see <a href="";></a>):</p>

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;for (n = 0; n &lt; HASH_SIZE; n++) {<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;m = head[n];<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;head[n] = (Pos)(m &gt;= 32768 ? m-32768 : 0);<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;}<br />

    <li>Detect saturation idioms, and map them to the appropriate
    vector built-in function.</li>

    <p><b>Status:</b> N/A.</p></li>
<li><p><a name="Loop_Forms"></a><b>Handle Advanced Loop Forms</b></p>

    <li>general loop bound (unknown, or doesn't divide by the vector
    <li>more complex forms of loop termination condition and loop index
    <li>outer-loop vectorization (unroll and jam).</li>
    <li>relax other CFG restrictions?.</li>

    <p><b>Status:</b> N/A.</p></li>
<li><p><a name="Pointer_Aliasing"></a><b>Handle Pointer Aliasing</b></p>

    <li>develop strong anti-aliasing analysis.</li>
    <li>generate run-time tests for cases where memory anti-aliasing
    cannot be resolved at compile time.</li>
    <li>support user hints?</li>

    <p><b>Status:</b> Some aliasing infrastructure is available. Andersen
    points-to analysis also available. Other analyses being developed(?).</p></li>
<li><p><a name="Loop_Transform"></a><b>Loop Transformations to
    Increase Vectorizability of Loops</b></p>

    <p>These include:</p>

    <li>loop interchange, and other unimodular transformations.</li>
    <li>scalar expansion.</li>
    <li>loop distribution.</li>
    <li>collapsing tightly nested loops to a single loop.</li>

    <p><b>Status</b>: N/A.</p></li>
<li><p><a name="Other_Optimizations."></a><b>Other Optimizations</b></p>

    <li>Exploit data reuse (a la "Compiler-Controlled Caching in Superword
    Register Files for Multimedia Extension Architectures" by Shin, Chame
    and Hall). Mostly relies on unroll &amp; jam having been applied.</li>
    <li>Vectorize loops that can't be vectorized using the classic
    vectorizer (until the proper loop transformations are developed)
    by applying SLP vectorization (a la "Exploiting Superword Level
    Parallelism with Multimedia Instruction Sets" by Amarasinghe and Larsen).
    This scheme can potentially more easily vectorize partially vectorizable
    loops, or loops that are already unrolled in the source code. It is
    possible to implement SLP vectorization either in the tree level or
    at the RTL level as a complementary approach to classic loop

<li><p><a name="Other_Issues"></a><b>Other Issues to consider</b></p>

    <li>Using user hints for different purposes (aliasing, alignment,
    profitability of vectorizing a loop, etc.).</li>
    <li>Decide which of the items listed above should take place in the
    GIMPLE tree level, and which in the RTL level. For example, anything
    that could affect the decision whether to vectorize a loop, should
    take place at the tree level (in order to avoid having to undo
    transformations); also, many of the things that can take place at
    the RTL level maybe simpler to implement at the tree level. However,
    this would mean that a lot of machine dependent stuff will have to
    be done at the tree level.</li>
    <li>Represent the vector operations as actual tree expression rather
    than built-in functions???</li>
    <li>Support languages that have SIMD or vector extensions???.</li>

<h2>(Incomplete) Reference list</h2>

<li><a name="kenedy-book"></a>&quot;Optimizing Compilers for Modern
Architectures - A dependence based approach&quot;, Randy Allen &amp;
Ken Kennedy, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, San Francisco, San Diego, New
York (2001).</li>
<li><a name="tseng"></a>&quot;Practical Dependence Testing&quot;,
Gina Goff, Ken Kennedy, Chau-Wen Tseng, CRPC+TR 90103, November 1990.</li>

<hr />

<p><i>Last updated on Thu Sep 9 2003</i></p>


----- Forwarded by Dorit Naishlos/Haifa/IBM on 10/09/2003 11:03 -----

                      Dorit Naishlos                                                                                            
                                               To:      Diego Novillo <>                                     
                      09/09/2003 23:38         cc:      "" <>, ""          
                                               From:    Dorit Naishlos/Haifa/IBM@IBMIL                                          
                                               Subject: Re: [tree-ssa] Minor update for project web page - vectorization        

> Could you prepare a patch for that?
Sure. Here it is - a suggestion for a small update to index.html, and the
vectorization html file, both inlined and as an attachment).


Index: index.html
RCS file: /cvsroot/gcc/wwwdocs/htdocs/projects/tree-ssa/index.html,v
retrieving revision 1.21
diff -c -3 -p -r1.21 index.html
*** index.html    9 Sep 2003 16:34:06 -0000     1.21
--- index.html    9 Sep 2003 17:38:10 -0000
*************** different passes are welcome.</p>
*** 411,416 ****
--- 411,419 ----
      <a href="";>
      for Fortran.</dd>
+ <dt><i><a href="vect_plan.html">Vectorization</a></i></dt>
+ <dd>This pass should vectorize certain loops, using classic data dependence
+ based approach.</dd>

New file: vect_plan.html
[attechment removed]

Attachment: vect_plan
Description: Binary data

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