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[PATCH] Small performance improvement to ht_expand

The following patch optimizes ht_expand to avoid calculating hash2 when
the first probe hits an empty hash table slot.  This is an almost
identical tweak to the one I recently made to ht_lookup, which I recently
discovered was one of GCC's top-ten functions by run-time profiling.
Though only called 327 times during a bootstrap, ht_expand can benefit
from the same improvement:  We can guarantee during ht_expand that we
will probe atleast 12280 times, and each probe ideally has atleast a
62.5% chance of hitting an unused slot.

The following patch has been tested on i686-pc-linux-gnu with a full
"make bootstrap", all languages except treelang, and regression tested
with a top-level "make -k check" with no new failures.

Ok for mainline?

2003-08-22  Roger Sayle  <>

	* hashtable.c (ht_expand): Avoid calculating rehash for the common
	case that the first probe hits an empty hash table slot.

Index: hashtable.c
RCS file: /cvs/gcc/gcc/gcc/hashtable.c,v
retrieving revision 1.15
diff -c -3 -p -r1.15 hashtable.c
*** hashtable.c	11 Aug 2003 21:47:36 -0000	1.15
--- hashtable.c	22 Aug 2003 13:43:50 -0000
*************** ht_expand (hash_table *table)
*** 184,202 ****
  	unsigned int index, hash, hash2;

  	hash = (*p)->hash_value;
- 	hash2 = ((hash * 17) & sizemask) | 1;
  	index = hash & sizemask;

! 	for (;;)
! 	    if (! nentries[index])
! 		nentries[index] = *p;
! 		break;
! 	    index = (index + hash2) & sizemask;
    while (++p < limit);

--- 184,201 ----
  	unsigned int index, hash, hash2;

  	hash = (*p)->hash_value;
  	index = hash & sizemask;

! 	if (nentries[index])
! 	    hash2 = ((hash * 17) & sizemask) | 1;
! 	    do
! 		index = (index + hash2) & sizemask;
! 	    while (nentries[index]);
+ 	nentries[index] = *p;
    while (++p < limit);

Roger Sayle,                         E-mail:
OpenEye Scientific Software,         WWW:
Suite 1107, 3600 Cerrillos Road,     Tel: (+1) 505-473-7385
Santa Fe, New Mexico, 87507.         Fax: (+1) 505-473-0833

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